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You can most definitely see a horse's (an intact male horse is called a stallion) testicles, if you know where to look and what you're looking for. A stallion's testicles are situated parallel to the body which is why they're not so obvious like that of a "cow's".

Cows actually don't have testicles, because cows are actually mature female bovines, not an ambiguous, colloquial term for all bovines. A cow has what is called an udder, not testicles, hanging between her legs. A bull has testicles because it is a male intact bovine specifically for breeding or mating with cows.

Now that those definitions are cleared up, you can see a bull's testicles more obviously because they tend to hang lower and perpendicular to the body, unlike the stallion's (or the boar's).

You're questioning why you can't see a horse's testicles yet you can see a bull's. It's likely that the horse you were looking probably wasn't even a stallion, but a gelding, which is a male horse that has been castrated. Geldings have no testicles that can be seen between their hind legs. Stallions do and they can be visible.

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Q: Why can't you see a horses testicles but you see a cow's?
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