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you need to reword your question you said "Why cant YOU swallow down the right side of MY throat? well no one can swallow down YOUR throat.

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Q: Why can't you swallow down the right side of my throat?
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if its small enough to fit down your throat, yeah, but it might have some disease it its raw or alive

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Id swallow a troll if I had the choice personally. I mean think about it its slimy warty skin sliding down your throat and its hair from its moles soothing you on the way down. OOooooooooooh yeaaaaa

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You put it in your mouth chew for a bit.. and then swallow and let it slid down your throat.

Why can astronauts swallow while in space?

Swallowing is a manipulation of the throat muscles, it's not down to gravity. In theory you can swallow while upside down (but it feels odd and is harder as you're working against gravity). Hope this answers your question.

Can people just throw up but it doesnt come up and it goes back down your throat?

Only if you close your mouth and swallow it goes back down

Cant swallow properly and have put on a lot of weight?

I have a similar problem. Everyone says I should be losing beacuse I can't swallow right. But a couple docs did tell me that my body is not burning the calories right because im not eating right.So it all comes down to how your body burns the energy and calories