

Why can't guinea pigs spin on a hamster wheel?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Because their body is not built the same as a hamster. Their bodies are stout and compact, where as the hamster is much more limber and agile. The curvature of the guinea pig's spine does not allow them to bend the same direction as the hamster wheel and they can become caught in it or thrown from it. If they are injured by a hamster wheel it can be fatal. Guinea pigs will not heal well from broken bones.

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Q: Why can't guinea pigs spin on a hamster wheel?
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No. Guinea pigs can not run in a hamster wheel or ball. They will most likely just sit there confused. Unlike hamsters, Guinea's back bone aren't all that flexible, so it shouldn't be put under the pressure to bend, therefore it would be a good idea not to let them in a Hamster ball or a hamster wheel, because it could cause spine problems. But it is perfectly fine for a hamster. Your welcome!

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No its not, i guinea pigs cage is way bigger. & you should not have the same size of guinea pig cage as your hampster.

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Vole ,Muskrat ,Guinea Pig ,Hamster ,

Can guinea pigs equals gs eat hamster and gerbil food?

No, guinea pigs cannot eat hamster or gerbil food, because they're not hamsters or gerbils. Guinea pigs can eat guinea pig food that doesn't contain any seeds, nuts, grains, milk or coloured bits.

Can you feed your hamster guinea pig food?

No,NEVER,EVER give a guinea pig hamster food.Hamster food contains nuts,which are fine for the hamster but will almost certainly choke your guinea pig.Also hamster food contains corn which is way too fattening for guinea pigs. And lastly a guinea pig needs a lot of vitamin C which guinea pig food has plenty of while hamster food doesn't have nearly enough,plus hamster food has too much protein for guinea pigs.

Is a hamster's hearing better than a guinea pigs hearing?

i think a guinea pig's hearing is better than a hamster's because i tried to sneak up to my guinea pig but when i saw my guinea pig it was staring straight at me like it knew i was there already. i once owned a hamster and they did not notice me very often as much as guinea pigs. ;D

Are guinea pigs half rabbit and half hamster?

No, they are their own species.

Which one is faster the guinea pig or the hamster?

A hamster is faster as they can stretch more and are smaller. Guinea pigs are fast but as they are bigger they don't move as fast.