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No, guinea pigs are vegetarians, and are unlikely to be interested in the hamster in any way.

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Q: Will guinea pigs eat teddy bear hamsters?
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Do teddy bear hamsters like yogurt?

Well not the kind that is all gloppy at the Super Market. Instead, you can buy "yogurt chips" from your local pet store made specially for guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, and mice!

Do hamsters like the cold?

i think they dont cuz my guinea pigs dont and guinea pigs and hamsters are alot alike i think they dont cuz my guinea pigs dont and guinea pigs and hamsters are alot alike

A good lead for hamsters and guinea pigs?

Did u know how guinea pigs and hamsters alike

What are the thirteen species of guinea pigs?

Well I know there's abbysinian, himmy and teddy bear

Are ZuZu Pets hamsters or guinea pigs?

they are guinea pigs

What are teddy bear guinea pigs?

Well I bet he or she will probably eat it but its not poison or anything like that that will get them sick I mean he could bite it but If you are counting on keeping it don't give the teddy bear

Are teddy bear guinea pigs harder to take care of compared to there guinea pigs?

I would say that the Teddy Bear guinea pig is a good and easy pet. They do need attention and care though. This pet would be good for a family with kids. Teddy Bear guinea pigs need Timothy Hay and other products that they need that a hamster or rat would not. Guinea pigs should have there own cage and should be watched on when ever your home. If you have done your research you probably have found that guinea pigs don't like to be left alone and need some friends to make them happy. Sometimes you might me finding yourself buying tons and tons of guinea pigs! With Teddy Bear guinea pigs, they would be happy with just one friend. If you are home a lot durning the day and durning the night, just one Teddy Bear guinea pig is fine. If you have work durining the day or if you work all night, you might want to consider getting one more guinea pig for your other one. If you do have one of these kinds of jobs where you might not be home for a while consider this: you need to know the different genders. Now you know a little bit more about the Teddy Bear guinea pig. This is basically about ALL different kinds of guinea pigs.

Are hamsters as energetic as guinea pigs?

both guinea pigs and hamsters can be very active although hamsters only at night, guinea pigs tend to be more playful and enjoy the company of people more.

Are guinea pigs from the same animal family as hamsters?

yes hamsters and guinea pigs are from the same animale family. That family is rodents.

Will the male guinea pig eat his newborns?

No, unlike hamsters guinea pigs don't eat their you no matter what. No, unlike hamsters guinea pigs don't eat their you no matter what.

What will happien if you hold a baby guinea pig to early?

guinea pigs are not tlike hamsters after a day or too you can hold on hamsters will eat their young but guinea pigs wont

Why can't hamsters and guinea pigs live in the same cage?

because guinea pigs are aggressive