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Sodium hydroxide reacts with aluminum, corroding the metal and producing hihgly flammable hydrogen gas.

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Q: Why can't we store sodium hydroxide solution in aluminium containers?
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Why sodium Hydroxide Solution Cannot Be Kept In Aluminium Containers?

Sodium Hydroxide in contact with some metals ( Aluminium , Magnesium , Zinc ) reacts to produce flammable and potentially explosive Hydrgen Gas. Aluminium is actually a very reactive metal that is unusual as it has layer of oxide ( Al2O3 ) on the surface. This oxide is soluble in base forming an aluminate exposing the Aluminium surface which reacts.

Which gas is liberated when an alkaline solution of sodium nitrate is warmed with aluminium?

Aluminium react with sodium hydroxide releasing hydrogen.Sodium nitrate is decomposed by heating releasing nitrogen dioxide.

Will aluminium react with sodium bicarbonate?

Aluminium doesn't react with sodium bicarbonate.Aluminium react with sodium hydroxide.

Is sodium hydroxide unknown solution?

Sodium hydroxide is not an unknown solution.

Is sodium hydroxide solution neutral?

No. A sodium hydroxide solution is very basic.

How could you separate magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 from alminium hydroxide Al(OH)3?

Add sodium hydroxide solution; aluminium hydroxide will dissolve but Mg(OH)2 remain.

Why sodium hydroxide is used in furosemide injection assay?

Sodium hydroxide is used in furosemide injection assay because sodium hydroxide is pH-control and sodium hydroxide control the solution or the solution in stable.

Why do the solid sodium hydroxide and aluminium powder not react when stored in a sealed container?

Sodium hydroxide must be dissociated in water.

How do you generate sodium hydroxide from sodium chloride?

Sodium hydroxide is prepared from sodium chloride by the electrolysis of the solution.

What is the balance equation for chemical reaction of aluminium with sodium hydroxide?

2 Al + 6 H2O > 2 Al(OH)3 + 3 H2 Al(OH)3 + NaOH > Na+ + [Al(OH)4]- __________________________________________________________________ 6H2O(l)+2Al(s)+2NaOH(aq)--------------- 2NaAl(OH)4(aq)+3H2(g)

What has the highest pH value dilute sodium bicarbonate or lemon juice or dilute sodium hydroxide solution?

dilute sodium hydroxide solution

Does sodium chloride form when sodium hydroxide reacts with water?

No Sodium hydroxide solution results -- not sodium chloride.