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Muslims understand the nature of Allah (God) very well. They wonder why Christians do not have an accurate representation of Allah. The understanding of the Jews concerning the Creator is much more similar to that of Islam than is that of Christianity.

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Q: Why can Muslims not understand what god is like?
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Muslims have only one god like in Surat AL-Ekhlas :قل هو الله احد

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God Knows.

Do Muslims worship a book?

no, they are guided by it, it is called the Quran they worship god like Christians but Islam (Muslims religion) has different rules. But Muslims call god Allah which is in Arabic.

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Son, to understand God is like to understand women, you just can't do it.

Do Muslims like Muhammad?

Muslims love and revere Prophet Muhammad, God bless him and grant him peace.

Who is the god of Saudi Arabia?

Saudis are Muslims, and Muslims believe in god. They call him Allah. They believe that he is the same god Christian and Jewish people believe in. Except, Muslims don't believe that Jesus is the son of god, they think of him as a profit just like Mohammed.

If Allah is the main god why do non Muslims not believe in him?

Allah is "the Deity" in Arabic language and is worshiped by Muslims. Non-Muslims worship "the Deity" and name Him differently in their own languages. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christians aren't non-muslims, they believe in the same God - but call him Jehova/Yahweh so they do believe in Allah. Jews aren't non-muslims, they believe in the same God - but call him Elohim so they do believe in Allah.

How does god look according to Muslims?

like a big fat dick

What do you like about Muslims?

Muslims are peaceful, forgiving, tolerant, and are worth to be respected, loved, and treated nicely and kindly. Muslims respect all God religions and believe in all God prophets and all God holy books. Refer to related question below

Why is eid special?

It's a day were muslims can get together and also be thankful to GOD. it's just like christmas but, for muslims.

What is the God of Muslims?

Allah is the God of Muslims and all other communities.