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Q: Why can a Karyotype detect Down syndrome but not hemophilia?
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What can karyotype analysis detect?

Karyotype analysis can be used to easily determine sex and a number of genetic disorders, such as Down's Syndrome (trisomy-21) or Klinefelter's Syndrome (XXY).

How the karyotypes of klinefelter syndrome differ from the normal karyotypes?

The karyotype of a person with Down Syndrome differs from a normal karyotype because it contains a three chromosomes in the 21st slot, where there should only be a pair of two. That is why this is called Trisomy 21.

What type of diagnosis is from a karyotype?

A karyotype tells you if you have the normal ammont of chromosomes (46 for humans), it can also tell you if you have more or less and if this is the case what it is that you have. The most common syndrome would be Down Syndrome, or trisomy 21. Down Syndrome is also called trisomy 21 because if you look at a karyotype from someone that has this syndrome then they have three coppies of the 21st chromosome.

What is karyotype used for?

It's used to check for abnormalities, such as Down Syndrome

What can be diagnosed by examining a karyotype of an individuals white blood cells?

Down Syndrome

What type of picture would a biologist look at to determine whether a fetus has Down syndrome?

a Karyotype

How do you detect down syndrome?

If you test for it in pregnancy the test is called a CVS or an Amniocentesis. They test the amniotic fluid or a piece of the babys' placenta for the third 21st chromosome. After birth, they take some blood from the baby and run what is called a Karyotype. That test will count the chromosomes in the cells of the blood and if there are 3 21st chromosomes that means Down Syndrome

What type of disorders are karyotyping used to diagnose?

Chromosomal disorders can be observed in a human karyotype. It can show whether there are extra chromosomes, or missing chromosomes, or malformed chromosomes, or whether chromosomes have extra pieces, or missing pieces.

How is karyotype used by genetics?

a karyotype is a picture of all the chromosomes in a cell. These pictures are used to check for chromosomal abnormalities, such as too few or too much which can result in a genetic disability. Such as Down Syndrome.

What can someone see in a karyotype?

They can see the Gender of the person and/or if they have any types of Syndromes such as (Patau Syndrom, Down Syndrome, etc.)

Is there any connection between hemophilia and Down syndrome?

There is no connection other than they both result from genetics mutations.


Patient A has Down Syndrome or a trisomy 21. The notation would be 47xy+21.