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Bishops are appointed by the pope in consultation with the Curia and other bishops. While a cardinal may not have a vote when it comes to appointing bishops, his input is always welcome by Rome, as well as the input of the laity. Remember, the Catholic Church is NOT a democracy. The pope is the sovereign ruler of the Church on Earth and the City State of the Vatican.

There are many hundreds of bishops and bringing all of them to the Vatican to vote for a pope in a conclave and house and feed them in locked quarters in the Vatican would be a monumental task. Most countries have at least one cardinal and they bring the needs and desires of their people to a conclave.

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Q: Why can a cardinal vote for a new pope but not a bishop?
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How can a woman get to be a Catholic Cardinal?

A cardinal is a member of the College of Cardinals. The basic duty of a cardinal is to vote for a new Pope during a conclave. Cardinals are chosen by the reigning Holy Father, usually from the Bishops, but not always.

How much power does a Cardinal have over a Bishop?

Roman Catholic AnswerNormally, a Cardinal, as such, as no power over a Bishop. They are both Bishops. The only thing that distinguishes a Cardinal from an ordinary Bishop is that a Cardinal can elect the new Pope.

Who is higher a bishop or a pope?

There are three orders of Cardinals: Cardinal Bishops Cardinal Priests Cardinal Deacons There are no Cardinal Archbishops but there are archbishops who are cardinals.

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and where would that be ? The traditional role of a bishop is as pastor of a diocese.. so you have to specify which diocese.

Why do some states have catholic cardinals and others do not?

Catholic Cardinals have nothing to do with states. A Catholic Cardinal is appointed by the Pope to be on his personal staff. A Cardinal is a member of the College of Cardinals, and they are appointed as the Pope's advisors, and in the case of the absence of a Pope, the Cardinals go into the conclave to elect a new Pope. There are areas of the United States that are designated as dioceses. In each diocese, a Bishop is appointed by the Pope to manage that diocese. If a Bishop also happens to be a Cardinal, then that diocese would be headed by a Cardinal. "Cardinal' is a designation that simply means he is a member of the Pope's personal staff. A Cardinal is also a BIshop, and this is his major role.

How do archbishops become a pope?

There is a election held among the cardinals, where a new pope is elected. A bishop normally gets promoted to a cardinal and cannot be elected as a pope.

Are all cardinals bishops?

No. Although both bishops and cardinals have their own roles within the church, there is a heirachy within the church. Basically, bishops are the head a a diocese (a group of churches across a region), a cardinal on the other hand has an additional responsibility that when a pope needs to be selected they are able to be part of the college of cardinals who do the voting.

What is the number of votes needed to elect a new pope?

2/3 of the cardinal electorate must vote for the person for him to be elected as pope.

What is a senior Cardinal Deacon Catholic?

The senior cardinal deacon announces the name of the new pope after he has been elected. He is typically a bishop (like the vast majority of cardinals are) and, as his title suggests, he has been a cardinal deacon the longest. The senior cardinal deacon announces the name of the new pope after he has been elected. He is typically a bishop (like the vast majority of cardinals are) and, as his title suggests, he has been a cardinal deacon the longest.

Is the cardinal that is elected as Pope part of the voting process?

Yes, all the cardinals in the conclave vote. They have the same right to vote for whomever they feel is the best choice to be the new pope. Besides, until the voting is complete, the cardinal has no idea that he was elected.

Do retired Cardinals vote for a new Pope?

Being a Cardinal is something that you are, not what you do, so you do not retire from being a Cardinal. That being said, when a Cardinal reaches the age of 80, they lose their right to participate in a Conclave.

Who chooses the new pope?

The pope is chosen by the Cardinal Electors - all the cardinals under the age of 80.