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no clue but hopefully you did well in darrell hess's final

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Q: Why can a glacier continue to erode and transport rock even while retreating?
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Related questions

What two forms of water that can erode the earth?

glacier and moraine

What are two processes by which glacier erode the land?

Plucking and Abrasion.

How can glaciers erode rocks?

The glacier can carry rocks. The moving of the glacier.

What process Do glacier erode the land?

When a glacier melts, it deposits the sediment it eroded from the land, creating various landforms.

Why is freeze thaw weathering absoloutely vital if a glacier is going to be able to erode its valley?

Its to do with how it is able to form the glacier. There is a cylce where the ice can only cycle round and round if freeze thaw weathering is taking place, meaning that a glacier can erode its valley. The process of freeze thaw weathering erodes the valley.

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How do glaciers move boulders?

As a glacier or ice sheet moves, it can erode bedrock. The ice can then pick up, or entrain, the eroded rock. As the ice flows, it transports the bedrock debris in the direction of flow.

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What are two ways in which glaciers erode earth's suface?

By water and the sheer weight of the glacier carving mountains as it slides down.

How can a iceberg create weathering?

As an iceberg - or glacier - moves across land, it will scrape against it, causing it to weather/erode the land.

How is a glacire formed?

glacier are river of ice which to erode the land scape by bulldozing soil and stones to expose the solid rock below.