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They are universal acceptors, just like type O is a universal donor. The technical reasons... I cannot explain. Wait for a doctor to help you with that part.

They can accept the various blood types because AB blood contains the antigens on the red blood cells for A and B (RBC) that allow the body (immune system) to identify all A blood as safe ... B blood as safe and O blood (has no antigens on the RBC), as safe (no intruder).

Any donor blood must have the same antigens as the acceptor.

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Q: Why can a person with AB blood type give blood only to people with AB blood type?
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What blood types are compatible?

Well blood type O+ can be given to anyone, but they can only receive their blood type. And O+ blood can be combined with certain materials that are found in A type or B type to make it another blood type. And people with a blood type of A or B or AB can only give their blood to people who have the same exact blood type as them.

What blood types can person with blood type A negative donate?

A person with A negative blood can donate blood to a person with A negative blood and a person with AB negative blood.

What are differences between blood types?

Blood type A+ positive cand donate to people that have types A+ or AB+. They can receiver blood from Apos & neg, O pos & neg. Type O+ can give to O+ A+ B+ AB+ & only receive from O pos & neg Type B+ can give to B+ and AB+ and receive from B pos & neg; O pos & neg. Type AB+ can give only to AB+ and receive from EVERYONE A- (neg) can give to A pos & neg; AB pos & neg & receive from A neg & O neg. O- (neg) can give to EVERYONE and receive only O - (neg) B- (neg) can give to B pos & neg; AB pos & neg and receive from B- and O- AB- can give to only AB neg & pos and receive from AB-, A-, B-,O- **Type O blood is the universal blood type and is the only blood type that can be transfused to patients with other blood types **There is always a need for Type O donors because their blood may be transfused to a person of any blood type in an emergency

What are some differences of having ab blood compared to having a different blood type?

ab blood can be transfused into only someone who is also ab but someone who is ab can receive any other type of blood. people with o blood can give to anybody but can only receive from other o people

What type of blood can a person with type B blood can receive type?

People who are of the blood type B can only receive type B or type O. Type A people can receive type A or type O Type AB people can receive type A, B, or O Type O people can only receive type O

Related questions

If you have AB blood type what group could give blood to?

The AB blood type is known as the universal recipient. Therefore, the groups that a person with this blood type can give blood to are limited. If your blood is AB+, then you can only give to others with AB+ blood. If your blood is AB-, then you can give to people with both AB+ or AB- blood.

Can a person with AO genotype give blood to a person with O blood?

No - a person with that genotype would have blood group A. A person with O blood can only receive blood from an O donor.

What can a person with type B blood receive?

a person with O+/- blood can only receive O+/- blood respectively. O+ can give blood to any other + blood type, and O- can give blood to anyone.

Can a person with type o plus receive blood from a person that has a plus blood?

no O's get ONLY from O but O can give to everybody

Who can type ab give blood too?

AB can give only to AB people, but people with AB blood type can accept any type.

Which blood group should be of a donor to a patient who is 'O' negative?

A person who is O- can only accept blood from another O- person, but they are the universal donor, and can give their blood to anyone.

Which blood type can give blood?

People with B blood type can only give blood to people with AB blood type providing that the Rh factor is the same between donator and receiver. (either both positive or both negative Rh)

Does paint give you aids?

You have got to be kidding! No. You can only get AIDS through the virus HIV which is in the blood of an effected person who carries it. Kissing such a person will not give you aids.

Is the blood type O positive as useful as any other O type blood?

The blood type O stands for old humanity and is one of the oldest types. A person with O positive has the RhD antigen and negative does not. people with O blood can give to anybody. An O negative person can only receive blood from the same type.

What blood types are compatible?

Well blood type O+ can be given to anyone, but they can only receive their blood type. And O+ blood can be combined with certain materials that are found in A type or B type to make it another blood type. And people with a blood type of A or B or AB can only give their blood to people who have the same exact blood type as them.

Is it normal to have a blood clot the size of your palm?

It depends on where it came from and why. The only person who can give you a conclusive answer is your doctor.

What blood can type O safely receive?

Not taking Rh Factor into consideration, O is the universal donor. All blood types can receive type O. For information, AB is the universal recipient. They can take any blood type. Remember, this excludes the Rh Factor.