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The main reason for this is evolution. When we say an organism is evolved, it means that they have more advanced systems - and their pathways are more complex. Even genetically speaking, evolved organisms generally have more types of genes for a particular function. Now, when you talk about cellular metabolic pathways, lower organisms like prokaryotes are only evolved enough to code for the enzymes that are a part of or regulate glycolysis. They do not contain the enzymes, as well as the structures (mitochondria) to conduct higher cellular functions like Krebs cycle or ETC. In comparison, eukaryotes have genes for the same and thus are able to carry out these functions. It all comes down to whether it has a gene to do that particular function.

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Q: Why can all organisms prokaryotes and eukaryotes use glycolysis but not all organisms use the Krebs cycle and ETC only eukaryotes do?
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Where does the Kreb's cycle occur in prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

In prokaryotes the Krebs cycle occurs in the cytosol while in eukaryotes the Krebs cycle is performed in the mitochondrial matrix which is the space inside the inner membrane of the mitochondria

Does glycolosis or Krebs cycle come first?

Glycolysis evolved first. Cells of all types of organisms are able to carry out glycolysis. The Krebs cycle arose after photosynthetic organisms began adding oxygen to the atmosphere because Krebs cycle requires oxygen and glycolysis does not.

Does glycolysis takes place in the mitochondrion?

Glycolysis does not happen in the mitochondria. It takes place in the cytoplasm. Therefore those organisms (prokaryotes) are also capable of glycolysis that do not actually have mitochondria. In the biological oxidation of glucose, glycolysis is the first step of three, and the only one that is possible without mitochondria. The last two steps, that is the citric acid cycle (Krebs-cycle) and terminal oxidation occur in the mitochondria.

In cellular respiration glycolysis follows the Krebs cycle true or false?

No - the exact opposite. Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm, and the Krebs cycle occurs in the mitochondria.

What stage follows glycolysis?

The Krebs Cycle also known as Citric Acid Cycle.

In the presence of oxygen glycolysis is followed by?

Krebs cycle.

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The Krebs cycle

What is the correct order for respiration's?

apex: Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain

Why do biologists believe glycolysis evolved before the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain?

Because it is universal, takes place in the cytosol and does not require oxygen.

What is the correct sequence of glycolysis electron transfer and Krebs?

Glycolysis->Krebs Cycle->Electron Transfer

Where is the location of glycolysis Krebs cycle and etc?


What is the process that cells of organisms perform in order to release energy from glucose?

This process is called glycolysis. It is also called the citric acid cycle or the Krebs's cycle.