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Insects and bacteria are said to evolve faster than some more complex animals because they reproduce faster. Simply put the more offspring you can make, the faster they mature and make new offspring with selected genes, then the faster they can evolve.

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Every time an organism reproduces there is the chance that a mutation may result. Some of these mutations create an organism which is better suited to survive and reproduce. These "enhancing" mutations are therefore more likely to be passed on thereby "improving" the general gene pool of the species. Bacteria reproduce quickly and therefore have relatively more opportunity to mutate. Because of this fast reproductive rate, evolution can be seen to happen in a matter of weeks for bacteria but takes millennia for humans. Species don't just evolve for the sake of it however. Usually the emergence of a new or modified species is the result of a trigger or catalyst such as a change in environment which allows the better adapted to survive and reproduce while the less adapted die.

...Humans artificially allow the less well adapted to breed which has probably slowed our evolution even further.

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binary fission

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Q: Why can bacteria evolve so quickly?
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What Species of bacteria can evolve more quickly than species of mammals because bacteria have?

Most bacteria evolve quickly (in relation to mammalian evolution) because their reproductive cycle is much shorter than "higher" life forms.

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Bacteria within one colony are generally considered to be genetically identical since they arise from a single bacterial cell that undergoes binary fission to create a population of identical cells. However, mutations can occur that may lead to genetic variation among individuals within the colony over time.

What is the empirical evidence of evolution?

Bacteria, they reproduce so fast you see them evolve.

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Bacteria will evolve faster than humans .It is because it has less number of cells and less no. of genes .

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Leaves rot very quickly in the rainforest because bacteria thrive here. Bacteria are responsible for decomposing organic material in the environment.

Does natural selection deal with only plants?

No, all life evolves. Bacteria evolve, viruses evolve, protists evolve, plants evolve, fungi evolve and animals evolve. Evolution is driven by Natural Selection. So, no. The evolution of all life on Earth is driven by Natural Selection: all bacteria, plants, animals, mammals, fish, insects, biochemical pathways, behaviours et cetera evolve by Natural Selection.

What are clusters of bacteria called?

Bacteria that multiply quickly and have no motility form colonies in a cluster. However, so bacteria that have motility do not form clusters.

When to evolve nidorino?

Oddly, you can evolve it quickly by exposing it to a Moon Stone.

Why are some bacterial diseaes becoming more difficult to treat?

as bacterium are very simple life forms, they are able to evolve very quickly. not really becoming more complex, but changing. this is the reason people catch colds every winter. if the bacteria didn't evolve, we would become immune to it. this means developing a new vaccine every year.some bacteria and viruses evolve slower than others, so some vaccines last years, whilst others last months