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Sugar (or Sucrose) molecules are polar. They have a slight positive end and a slightly negative end. Water molecules have the same property. For this reason, the positive end of a sucrose molecule will be attracted to the negative end of a water molecule and dissolve.

Alcohols are non-polar and are equally charged on all sides. The charged ends of the sucrose have nothing to be attracted to except other SUCROSE molecules, therefore they will not dissolve.

However benzoic acid is also a polar molecule, but through heat (200 degress F) can bond with alcohol and create a solution...

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1w ago

Benzoic acid is a polar compound that can form hydrogen bonds with alcohol molecules, making it soluble in alcohol. Sugar, on the other hand, is a non-polar compound that cannot form strong interactions with alcohol molecules, which is why it is not soluble in alcohol.

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Sucrose is more soluble in water than benzoic acid. Sucrose is a polar molecule that can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, increasing its solubility. Benzoic acid, while also polar, has a benzene ring which reduces its ability to form hydrogen bonds with water, making it less soluble.

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Brine is salt dissolved in water; Punch is alcohol dissolved in water - therefore "Brine is to salt as punch is to alcohol."

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It is a solution, which is a mixture of two or more substances which, when dissolved, cannot be seperated by mechanical means.

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.......Sugar Syrup Equal parts Sugar and Water - heat until Sugar has dissolved then cool.

Why does filter paper not remove salt or sugar from water?

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When sugar is dissolved in water, water is called a SOLVENT