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Because carbon has only property that it can form bond by metal,non-metal & by itself.

Carbon also has an electron cloud which allows it to bond in four different places, which allows for all sorts of branching and elaborate chains.

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13y ago
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1w ago

Carbon atoms can form long chains because they can bond with each other through strong covalent bonds. Carbon has four valence electrons that can be shared with other carbon atoms, allowing for the formation of stable chains with diverse structures and properties. This versatility in bonding allows carbon to create a wide range of organic compounds.

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13y ago

The reason is because carbon has the ability to form into its self.

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12y ago

Carbon atoms have four valence electrons, allowing them to form strong covalent bonds with many other elements.

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13y ago

carbon has the ability to form into its self.

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11y ago

Carbon: and in a parallel way Silicon is in the same Periodic Table Group [short Answer].

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13y ago

They can hybridise easily and form sp3 sp2 sp orbitals which easily overlap and covalent bond. Also having 4 valence electrons means it is energetically unfavorable to form C4+ or C4-

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Q: Why can carbon atoms form long chains?
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Why are Carbon atoms able to form long chains while oxygen atoms cannot?

Carbon atoms are able to form long chains because they can bond to each other through strong covalent bonds, forming stable structures. Oxygen, on the other hand, is more electronegative and tends to form more stable molecules by bonding with other elements like carbon, rather than forming long chains with itself.

What is the only element that can form chemical bonds with itself to form long stable chains?

Carbon is the only element that can form chemical bonds with itself to form long stable chains, such as in organic molecules. This ability is due to carbon's unique ability to form multiple covalent bonds with other atoms, including other carbon atoms, allowing for the formation of a wide variety of complex and diverse compounds.

What is Catenation and hybridization of carbon?

Catenation is the ability of carbon atoms to bond with each other to form long chains or rings. Hybridization of carbon refers to the mixing of atomic orbitals to form hybrid orbitals that have different geometries and allow carbon to form multiple bonds with other atoms.

What about the carbon atom makes it an ideal atom to form the backbone or skelton for most biological compounds?

Carbon has four valence electrons, allowing it to form strong covalent bonds with other elements. This flexibility enables carbon to form diverse structures and shapes, making it ideal for creating complex biological molecules. Additionally, carbon can form stable bonds with other carbon atoms, leading to the formation of long carbon chains that serve as the backbone for biological compounds.

The self linking property of carbon is called as?

The self-linking property of carbon is called catenation. It refers to the ability of carbon atoms to form stable covalent bonds with other carbon atoms, creating long chains and rings.

Related questions

Does silicon form compounds made of long chains of atoms?

no but carbon does

What unusual property do carbon atoms have that other elements do not have?

Carbon atoms have the unusual property of being able to bond with each other to form very long chains. Hope this helps!

Are long chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms that combine with glycerol molecules to form a lipid?

Fatty acid molecules do so.

What about the carbon atom makes it an ideal atom to form the backbone or skelton for most biological compounds?

Carbon has four valence electrons, allowing it to form strong covalent bonds with other elements. This flexibility enables carbon to form diverse structures and shapes, making it ideal for creating complex biological molecules. Additionally, carbon can form stable bonds with other carbon atoms, leading to the formation of long carbon chains that serve as the backbone for biological compounds.

What are three characteristics of carbon that contribute to the diversity of organic compounds?

Carbon can bond with other carbon atoms making long carbon chains. Carbon can form strong pi-bonds allowing for double and triple bonds between carbon atoms as well, and the carbon-carbon pi-bonds can be delocalized for additional stability in rings.

Most lipids contain long chains of which two atoms?

Carbon and hydrogen.

What aspects of long carbon chains make them ideal for forming the backbones of long biomolecules?

carbon atoms cavalently bond

What forms compounds made of long chains of atoms?

Polymers are compounds made of long chains of atoms, repeating units called monomers. These long chains can be natural or synthetic and have diverse properties depending on the type of monomers and the arrangement of the chains. Examples of polymers include plastics, proteins, and DNA.

Why is carbon able to form macromolecules?

It can form four bonds. It is small and can form long chains

How many bonds can Carbon form with other atoms?

Carbon can form up to four bonds with other atoms. This is because carbon has four valence electrons that it can use to share with other atoms in order to achieve a stable electron configuration.

What properties of carbon explain carbons ability to form different large and complex structures?

one carbon atom can bond to another which gives carbon the ability to form chains that are almost unlimited in length

What element is commonly used when forming long chains of atoms?

Carbon, these are called organic compounds.