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We are in the northen side and Asia is in the southern side. When the sun reflects our side the southern side is in the dark.

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Q: Why can it be day where you live and night in Asia?
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If it is day in Canada it would be night in Asia

When is the Earth closest to to sun day or night?

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Day and night changes the earth the earth makes it happen by rotating the earth rotates and it turns day or nightexample: you live in Arizona and when its day time theres light then as the earth moves it turns night time.Day and night changes the earth the earth makes it happen by rotating the earth rotates and it turns day or nightexample: you live in Arizona and when its day time theres light then as the earth moves it turns night time.

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We get day and night because, the Earth spins on it's axis around the sun, when the part of the Earth you live in is facing the sun it is day to you. The Moon orbits the earth, for the moon to orbit the Earth once it takes 28 days, when the Moon is facing the part of the Earth you live on it is night to you. Hope this helped x

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That depends where you live. For example, if you live in Europe, the United States, or Asia, you will never be able to see Alpha Centauri, because it is too far south.That depends where you live. For example, if you live in Europe, the United States, or Asia, you will never be able to see Alpha Centauri, because it is too far south.That depends where you live. For example, if you live in Europe, the United States, or Asia, you will never be able to see Alpha Centauri, because it is too far south.That depends where you live. For example, if you live in Europe, the United States, or Asia, you will never be able to see Alpha Centauri, because it is too far south.

Do the llama live in Asia?

llamas may not be native to Asia but it may live in Asia.

Do antelopes live in the rainforest?

No. They live in Asia and Africa.

Is Asia rocky where tigers live?

ASIA oviously where they live

How does day and night effect us?

it effects us in many ways. for example, without it, we would not be alive, so day and night effects or lives and how we live.

Where does panda live?

mostly in China, but can live in southern Asia.