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I think its because only a third of the earth is land but most of this land is used for cities and development.

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Q: Why can less than a third of the earth's land be farming?
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How did crop rotation improve farming?

They used less land. And kept the field fertile (healthy)

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Denmark is the only country in Northern Europe with enough arable land to use close to 50% of it for farming. Every other country has less than 10% arable land.

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Settlers discovered that the land was less favorable to farming then the land they had left behind. They did however find that in some places the land was rich with gold.

How do you think patterns of land use might lead to cultural differences between urban areas and rural farming areas?

urban areas is very populated with more buildingsrural farming is less populated with more farmsand less buildings

What is meant by the term dry-land farming?

farm areas that get less than 20 inches of rain per year

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farm areas that get less than 20 inches of rain per year

What is meant by the term dry land farming?

farm areas that get less than 20 inches of rain per year

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What is the best use of land?

The BEST use of land is to use it for food production, i.e., farming or agriculture. Too much good land is being taken over by housing developments and cities, and less and less is being made or saved for producing food for an ever-increasing human population.

Why did farming never emerge in Australia?

There are several reasons why farming never emerged as a dominant mode of subsistence in Australia. The country's unpredictable and variable climate, lack of suitable domesticable plant and animal species, and abundance of natural resources for hunting and gathering may have made farming less necessary for survival. Additionally, Indigenous Australians had developed highly efficient and sustainable methods of foraging and managing the land, which may have made farming practices less attractive.