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Thers a zoo out there! ClO, ClO2, ClO3, and so on see the link

These are all covalent compounds, gases, all reactive.

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Q: Why can oxygen and chlorine form a covalent compound?
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Are chlorine and oxygen an ion compound?

No. Chlorine an oxygen will form covalent compounds.

Does oxygen and chlorine form an ionic bond?

No, Oxygen forms covalent bonds

Do Chlorine and Oxygen form an ionic compound?

No. There are several compounds of chlorine and oxygen, but all of them are molecular.

What compounds does oxygen form?

ionic and covalent compound

Can co and o form a covalent compound?

yes, carbon monoxide is a covalent compound between carbon and oxygen

What are likely to form a covalent bond aluminum and oxygen sulphur and oxygen magnesium and chlorine copper and copper?

Sulfur oxides are covalent compounds.

Does oxygen form a covalent bond with chloride?

Oxygen does not form a covalent bond with chloride, but oxygen does form covalent bonds with chlorine in the polyatomic ions perchlorate (ClO4-1), chlorate (ClO3-1), chlorite (ClO2-1), and hypochlorite (ClO-1).

Why Oxygen and chlorine are not ionic compounds?

Oxygen and chlorine are each elements, not compounds. They combined to form a number of covalent compounds because they are both nonmetals.

What does oxygen form a covalent bond with?

Oxygen forms lots of covalent bonds, typically with carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, or chlorine, or with other oxygen atoms in the case of the diatomic oxygen molecule.

What Lewis diagrams of four unknown elements is most likely to form a covalent compound with oxygen?

If it is just one element, the Lewis diagram with two unpaired electrons will form a covalent compound with oxygen.

What elements can form diatomic molecules joined by single covalent bonds?

Only halogens and members of the oxygen group can form diatomic molecules joined by a single covalent bond.

Is A compound between P and Cl involves covalent bonding?

Being two non metals, phosphorous and chlorine form covalent bonds.