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Q: Why can remove the lid easily in the warm water?
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Why is warm water used to remove a tightly sealed metal cap from a glass bottle?

The warm water will cause the metal lid to expand if poured mainly on the lid. This expansion will often loosen the grip of the lid and it can be unscrewed. Sometimes, gently tapping the side of the lid on the floor several times, has the same affect of loosening the lid.

How does hot water make a lid easier to remove?

The hot water expands the lid slightly.

How do you keep hot water warm in a glass jar?

Cover it with a thick lid.

Why does the lid of a jam bottle opens easily when the neck with the lid is put in hot water?

It loosens because the particles relax

How does placing a lid over a hot cup of water keeps it warm?

no it do not keep it longer

Why are jar lids immersed in water for a few seconds?

Short answer: This is normally done when a lid is too tight to unscrew. Placing the lid in warm or hot water loosens the lid a little so someone can get to the contents of the jar easier. Long answer: Metal reacts to heat at a lower temperature than glass does. When a metal lid is placed in warm or hot water, the lid expands outwardly from its center. This will cause the lid to loosen its grip on the jar making it easier for a user to unscrew the lid. It's simple science and a neat trick.

Why Water droplets form on the under cover of a pot of warm rice?

The lid is cooler than the rice, so the water vapor in the air (within the pot) condenses on the lid.

How does pouring hot water on a lid helps to remove it from a glass jar?

The lid will expand and loosen the grip on the jar.

Why do you use hot water to remove a tight metal cap easily?

Often, lids are made of metals which are great conductors of electromagnetic waves (including heat). When warm water is applied to a "difficult" lid, excitement of the atoms in the metal occurs (very slight) which causes a slight expansion. This expansion helps the lid to be moved from it's grip on the jar or bottle. This is also found in plastics. Although not through expansions. The heat from the warm water literally softens the plastic.

How do you remove center console lid for 2005 Chevy Trailblazer?

Remove bolts on the underside of lid at the hinge. Remove screws on bottom side of the lid. Gently pry bottom of the lid from the top of the lid, there's a metal bracket in between them. The console lid should then be apart from the console.

Why is it easier to remove a metal lid off a glass jar when soaked with hot water?

The heat causes the metal lid to expand, making it slightly bigger.

How do you remove top of Samsung j1043 front loader?

Remove 2 screws from the back holding the top lid, then slide the lid backwards and lift the lid.