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In theory no, in practice, yes. Every emperor including Augustus, had advisers and intimates who consulted and helped with the rule. According to Syme, Augustus had Agrippa, Maecenas and Livia as part of his ruling counsel, which constituted an oligarchy.

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14y ago
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13y ago

The Roman government of the republic could be considered an oligarchy because the power was held by a few tight-knit, wealthy families.

The Roman government of the republic could be considered an oligarchy because the power was held by a few tight-knit, wealthy families.

The Roman government of the republic could be considered an oligarchy because the power was held by a few tight-knit, wealthy families.

The Roman government of the republic could be considered an oligarchy because the power was held by a few tight-knit, wealthy families.

The Roman government of the republic could be considered an oligarchy because the power was held by a few tight-knit, wealthy families.

The Roman government of the republic could be considered an oligarchy because the power was held by a few tight-knit, wealthy families.

The Roman government of the republic could be considered an oligarchy because the power was held by a few tight-knit, wealthy families.

The Roman government of the republic could be considered an oligarchy because the power was held by a few tight-knit, wealthy families.

The Roman government of the republic could be considered an oligarchy because the power was held by a few tight-knit, wealthy families.

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10y ago

Yes, Rome was an oligarchy. In the Early Republic the consulship (the office of the two heads of the Republic) and the seats of the senate were monopolised by the patrician aristocracy. In the 200-year Conflict of the Orders, between patricians and plebeians (the commoners), the rich plebeians fought for power-sharing and access to the offices of state which were created as the Republic developed and the seats of the senate. They obtained power-sharing with the patricians and were co-opted into a patrician-plebeian oligarchy. They were given equite (cavalryman) status, which was the second highest social rank.

Later, the emperors needed to rely to some extent on the support of the patricians and the equites for their rule. Some relied more on the latter than the former. The power of the patricians diminished when the army became the key political player during the Crisis of the Third Century when the empire came under a great number of attacks form outside and many emperors were men who had risen through the military ranks, instead of aristocrats. Constantine the Great, however, then propped up the status of the aristocracy again.

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15y ago

No Rome did not have an oligarchy it had a Republic.

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13y ago

The Roman government of the republic could be considered an oligarchy because the power was held by a few tight-knit, wealthy families.

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6y ago

Yes - a coalition of Emperor and Senate.

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Q: Did Rome have an oligarchy
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