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The color of your eyes, hair etc. everything about us is written on our DNA. When it is replicated it is identical.

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Q: Why can the structure of the DNA molecule be called a code?
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Three thing make the structure of a DNA molecule?

what 3 things make the structure of a DNA molecule

What is the relationship between a gene and an allele and the structure of a DNA molecule?

A gene is a whole strand of DNA

A portion of a DNA molecule wound around a spool of histone protein is called a?

Such a structure is called a Nucleosome

DNA structure is compared to a ladder What molecular component would be analogous to the rungs of the ladder?

DNA code is simple in structure.The double helix structure of the DNA molecule is like a long ladder twisted into a spiral.

What stores a molecule called DNA?

In eukaryotes, DNA is stored in the nucleus. In prokaryotes, the DNA is in the cytoplasm, though it may be bunched up in a structure called a nucleoid, which has no membrane around it.

Watson and crick deduced the structure of this molecule?

The molecuar structure of DNA

what Describe the structure of the DNA molecule?

a DNA molecule is made up of a phosphate, sugar and base A double Helix Strand

Replication explain how the structure of DNA allows it to be duplicated so easily why cant protein be copied so easily?

Replication begins when an enzyme called DNA helicase attaches to a DNA molecule, moves along the molecule, and "unzips" the two strands of DNA.

What molecule is used to take this DNA code out to the ribosome?

mRNA (messenger RNA) is the molecule that carries the copied code from the DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome.

A DNA molecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral staircasescientists call this design?

A DNA molecule that resembles a spiral staircase is called a double helix. The double helix is formed as a consequence of its secondary structure. This is an important component in helping determine its tertiary structure.

What organic compound within your body does DNA code for?

DNA codes for the amino acids in proteins. The DNA code indicates the sequence of amino acids in a protein. The sequence of amino acids determines the three-dimensional structure of the protein, which determines its function.

Which best describes the structure of a DNA molecule-?

a double helix- apex