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Not all oral bacteria are gram negative, but those that are there can be seen with Gram stain.

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Q: Why can tooth and gum bacterium be seen with negative staining?
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Because it is a Gram-negative bacterium and can be stained with Gram-negative stain.

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Bacterium are not invisible, but they are microscopic, meaning they can only be seen under a microscope at higher magnification. A bacterium can be transparent, but they can usually still be seen by the outline of their body, but, again, all bacteria can only be seen under a microscope.

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Yes I have seen the tooth fairy in action.

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A microbe is too small to be seen without a microscope. One type of microbe is a bacterium.

Can you be as skinny as a tooth pick?

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Will human tooth decompose?

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How do you tell your parents you have a fully grown tooth behind your baby tooth without them freaking out?

They won't freak out. They've seen babies being born, they've seen you throw up (or your siblings) they've seen you naked, they've been through everything.

How do the tooth faiery look like?

She's invisible so can't be seen. Sometimes disguises herself as one of the tooth owner's parents ;-)