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If toxic waste is not disposed of correctly, it is going to wind up contaminating the air, the water, and/or the soil, and then it is going to be inhaled, or eaten or drank, and people will be poisoned by it, and while this may not immediately kill them, it will certainly have a bad effect on their health, of one form or another. Toxic waste also affects other living creatures besides human beings.

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What will happen if toxic waste disposal continues?

it will kill all the wild lifeAnswer:If toxic waste is disposed of (that is destroyed or rendered inert) there will be no problem. If toxic waste is only stored or released to the environment the problems of environmental degradation will increase.

Which problem is most directly caused by burning waste?

Toxic chemicals in the air

How toxic is toxic waste?

Toxic waste is made from the bi-product of construction, manufacture and farming waste to name a few. Toxic waste is harmful to the environment and possibly to humans.

Is toxic waste toxic?

Yes, toxic waste is classed as toxic (dangerous to the environment).

Where is toxic waste released from?

Toxic waste can be released from a great many different things. Toxic waste can be released from factories for example.

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What toxic waste? Some toxic waste gives off radiation, some doesn't

Can Toxic Waste be helpful?

Toxic waste can be helpful in a very few special situations. Toxic waste can be used to kill unwanted organisms.

How is toxic waste made?

Toxic waste is made from the bi-product of construction, manufacture and farming waste to name a few. Toxic waste is harmful to the environment and possibly to humans.

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Is there a place to bury toxic waste

What is toxic waste leaking from barrels called?

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How you can be exposed to toxic waste?

Many different things have been done with toxic waste of various types. Some businesses have discharged their toxic waste in rivers, which flow into the ocean, or have discharged waste into the ocean directly; mercury in particular has been a problem in this regard, and now the fish in the ocean are contaminated with mercury, and if you eat fish, you are going to eat some of this toxic waste, that was eaten (or absorbed) by the fish. Waste discharged into lakes can wind up in the fresh water fish from those lakes. If toxic waste is buried in the ground, it can seep into aquifers and poison people's wells, or wind up contaminating farm crops. If toxic waste emerges as smoke from smokestacks, it contributes to toxic smog which you may wind up breathing. The only safe thing to so with toxic waste is to chemically process it to either recycle the toxic substance (mercury is very useful and can be reused) or to destroy the toxin (some toxins can be destroyed at high temperature).

Is termite waste toxic?

No, it is non toxic.