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Some of the energy always ends up wasted, usually as heat, or due to friction from moving parts rubbing against each other.

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Q: Why can you never get as much usable energy out of a generator as you put into it?
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How much of the energy contained originally in the grass is usable by the lion?

0.1 kg

In this example the law of conservation of energy says that the ball never loses kinetic energy?

the law of conservation of energy says that the ball will never have as much kinetic energy as it originally had

Why electrical energy is a useful form of energy?

Because it is transfered to a long distance with less loses as compared to other form of energy A2. Electrical energy can be transported across "empty" space and can be stored and can be transformed to other forms of energy. A3. Electrical, much like geothermal, is a natural energy source that can be harvested from lightning and other weather related sources. In theory, we should be able to use these sources to create usable energy: the source producing more energy that it takes to harvest it in a plant.

How does wind power generate electricity?

Wind energy (Kinetic) is transformed into electrical energy (Potential) with the use of a turbine-generator. The wind turns the blades of a wind turbine. These blades then turn a generator, something which uses magnets (specifically magnetic flux) to create electrical energy. As electrical energy is a form of Potential energy, the energy has been converted from Kinetic energy (the turning of the blades) into Potential energy (also known as "voltage") by the generator.More detailsA generator is a coil of wire surrounded by magnets. When the coil spins or the magnets spin, electricity is created. You need something to cause it to spin. In your car the gas engine does. At a hydro-electric dam, falling water that drives the turbines' blades. At a coal-fired power plant, expanding steam drives the turbines which in turn drive the generators. And in a wind generator, the wind turning the propeller blades drive the generator.A wind generator makes electricity just like any generator: the fan blades drive a turbine which turns the generator. The amount of power (wattage) produced depends on several things including the speed of the wind, the size of the propeller blades and the size of the generator.It is the same process, just a different power source.A wind turbine - as any turbine, is an energy converter. It converts wind energy into mechanical energy and then electrical energy. Some so-called direct-drive turbines use magnets to keep it running even when there's no wind. Now direct-drive turbines are used. The number of blades do not matter (too many blades = too much turbulence), The span of the blades make more power. That's the smarter way to make more power. In 1985 blades had a span of 30 ft. Now they get to over 200 ft.

How can we release the energy inside say a pumpkin to produce electrical energy?

Waste vegetable material can be fermented to produce methane which can be burned or used in a heat engine to drive a generator. This is renewable energy which means we are able to use less fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) to generate electricity.A:You can eat the pumpkin, and then attach your bike to a dynamo machine and charge up your batteries. With the waste material, you can buy a Biothermal generator. I don't know how much these cost, or even if small ones are available to the general public. Some countries use Biothermal power plants to turn the methane given off by rotting material into energy.

Related questions

Is efficiency the same thing as how much energy gets converted to electricity?

no, its how much energy gets converted to usable work.

How much of the energy contained originally in the grass is usable by the lion?

0.1 kg

How much of energy contained originally in the grass is usable by the lion?

0.1 kg

Protein store energy?

Protein can provide energy, but this is extremely inefficient. This is due to the fact that the energy it takes to make it usable as energy is almost as much as the energy it provides.

Is a windmill a generator?

in a way yes, in a way no. if you are talking about a windmill GENERATOR, then yes it is a generator. however, it doesn't have to be a huge white thing in the fields. as long as it has a generator connected to it, it is considered as a generator. hope i have helped

How fast can a generator convert water into hydroelectric energy?

Hydroelectric generators do not convert water into anything. And even assuming that the question means to ask: how fast does a hydroelectric generator produce energy? the short answer to that question would be instantaneously.A hydroelectric generator produces electricity by converting the kinetic energy of moving water into electrical energy via alternating magnets which are spun by the turbine getting hit by the moving water.If the question is: How much energy is produced by a hydroelectric generator, then that answer depends on the size and efficiency of the system.

How much energy Is transferred between Food chain?

Unfortunately for later members in the food chain, only 10% of the energy of the organism that they ate is absorbed an usable by the consumer.

How much does wind energy cost?

So far it is free because wind is a renewable energy source but you have to count the turbine and generator and everything that produces the electricity.

Can energy go from more usable forms to less usable forms?

No, never heard of such a comparison.Entropy is a measure of how much of the energy of a system is available *) to do work and how much of it is manifest *) as heat.*) Maybe one could say: potentiallyavailable and potentially manifest , but that is not the same as potential energy.Clausius defined the change in entropydS of a thermodynamic system, during a reversible process, asdS = δQ / TwhereδQ is a small amount of heat introduced reversibly to the system,T is a constant absolute temperature

How much energy could a generator produce if it is run by powerful nonelectric magnets what one needs to know is how powerful of a generator can be run by magnets before it is too much for them?

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What is the difference between motor and generator in electrical machine?

A motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy and a generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.Longer answerThe primary difference between a motor and a generator is that one converts electrical energy into mechanical energy (that's the motor) and the other converts mechanical energy into electrical energy (that's the generator).In some cases of direct current (DC) machines, but not alternating current (AC) machines, there is so little difference that a single device (it might be called a motor-generator) can be used as either a motor or a generator.A superb example of this would be the motor-generator that is used in electric vehicles: when the vehicle is accelerated, the batteries supply power to the motor-generator and it acts as a motor, driving the wheels. When the brake is applied, the motor-generator shifts function and the vehicle's inertia is used by the motor-generator to generate electricity and put some energy back into the batteries. This slows the vehicle down. The one device (the motor-generator) is being used in either capacity. The "handle" often applied to electric vehicles with this feature is dynamic braking.They alike because they both have stators and rotors they are different in that the generator is driven by mechanical device that rotates the rotor, the rotor cuts through magnetic force fields and electricity is generated. The motor is driven by an input of electricity into the stator and the rotor is forced to turn by reaction with magnetic force fields.Generator will provides current to load ......... but motor will drawn current............... generator is based on Flemming right hand rule but motor is based on left hand rule.

How much usable energy is released from anaerobic respiration?

2 ATPS but also releases latic acid within humans yeast its alcohol and 2ATPs