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it is because u are not having enough vitamins and proteins.

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Q: Why can you not see as well at night than you do at day?
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Do opossums only see at night?

No, they can see in the day as well.

Are moose active by day or by night?

Moose are diurnal critters, or rather they are more active in the day than in the night, though they can see very well at night and are active at/after dusk and before/at dawn.

Why do lions see better than us?

Lions see better than us only at night because at night useually animals cant see well but because lions sleep at day and wake up at nightthats why they see better.

Does a tiger see at night?

In complete darkness, tigers can't see any better than you can. However, cats in general have eyes that are constructed in such a way as to provide more sensitivity in low-light conditions than human eyes do. In the case of tigers, this amounts to about a factor of five or six.

Why cant you see the moon as well in the day as you can at night?

because of the sun

Why do the eyes of a cat glow at night when seen by means of a flashlight or car's headlight?

There eye's glow because at day they cant see kinda well at night they can see very good because cats are well known to see at night.

Do owls see better at daytime?

Yes, of course they can see during the day! However, if they are blind, they cannot. Cats can also see very well in the dark, but not pitch black dark. Their eyes are better than ours.

Do coyotes come out during the day?

Coyotes can see quite well at night.

Do cheetahs see well?

Yes, they do, because they have to see predators at night in the dark.during the day they do but not in the dark

Are basilisks night or day hunters?

Well most basilisks in movies you see are mostly active at night. And if you read mythology books you can learn some about them. But basilisks are both night and day hunters but mostly night.

How do the eyes help the frog?

it helps the frogs see the bugs very well at night and day

How are diurnaland nocturnal animals the similar?

Dinurnal is being able to see at night and during the day Nocturnal only at night