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Perhaps you are confusing Universe with galaxy. Most galaxies have a black hole in their center. The Universe has no such thing as a center.

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Q: Why cannot you believe that a black hole can be the centre of the universe?
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Where is center of universe?

No one knows till now but scientists believe that there can be a black hole in the centre of the Universe.

Why cant you believe that a black hole can be the centre of the universe?

because it's sceintifcally impossible

How far away from earth is the black hole?

There are many black holes in the universe .Scientists believe that there might be a black hole in the centre of our Milky Way galaxy which is about 25,000 light years from earth, and that that is why it rotates about its axis.

In what part is a black hole in the universe?

Astronomers believe that black holes exist in the center of every universe. They even think that there may be a black hole in the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way

Where in space is blackhole?

There are many black holes in the universe, and they are generally in the very center of a galaxy. Our Galaxy, the Milky Way, has one big black hole in the centre of it.

Are large black holes rare?

As the centre of millions galaxies have one they cannot be described as rare

Who was the third black miss universe?

Miss Universe 1999 was held at the Chaguaramas Convention Centre, Chaguaramas, Trinidad and Tobago on May 26, 1999. Mpule Kwelagobe of Botswana was crowned as Miss Universe to become the third black Miss. Universe in the history of the competition. She was crowned by the 2nd Black Miss Universe. Miss Universe 1998 Wendy Fitzwilliam of Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad and Tobago produced the first two Black Miss Universe and the third was crowned in Trinidad. In 2011, the pageant crowned Leila Lopes from Angola has been crowned as the new Miss Universe 2011 and the 4th Black woman to hold the title.

Can a Boeing 747 fly into a black hole at the edge of your universe?

No. It cannot escape the Earths gravity.

What evidence is there that there is a black hole in the center of the galaxy?

A galaxy has a huge amount of stars orbiting around the centre, so whatever is at the centre must have a huge mass to be able to support them. So we know that whatever is at the centre of a galaxy must be very massive. Also, at the very centre it is pitch black, which means that whatever is at the centre is so massive that it can even pull in light (which is very hard!). And since nothing can come back out of the centre, it is named a black hole. But the hole is thought to not really be a "hole" but instead a sphere of pitch blackness, in which nothing can escape. Some people believe that black holes lead somewhere (other universes or dimensions), while others believe that at the centre of a black hole is a singularity, which is where the gravitational pull is infinite so time stops!

When will a black hole hit your universe?

There are already black holes within the universe

Are you moving toward a black hole?

Since we are always in motion and we have reason to believe that there are many black holes in the universe, there is bound to be one in the direction that we are moving. So, yes, I am moving toward a black hole. As are you.

Does the universe have a black hole?

The universe likely contains millions upon millions of black holes.