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Q: Why cant humans fly and who was icarus?
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Icarus - why humans can't fly?

Humans can fly (in jets, in plains) but not with crappy wax and feather "inventions".

What person can fly?

No one can because humans cant fly naturally.

Why cant pit from kid Icarus fly?

Well, look at the title. In a Greek myth, there is a boy and his father who is sent to jail. The boy's name is Icarus. They come up with a plan to get out of jail by collecting feathers and sticking them together with wax. When they were done, Icarus did not listen to his father about not going to close to the sun. So eventually, Icarus's wings melted off from the wax and he fell. Now, think about, Pit can't fly, and the title is Kid Icarus. Icarus was the boy's name, and he could not fly, just like Pit.

Who tried to fly to the sun?


Who was the Greek man who tried to fly?


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What impossible tasks can robots perform that humans cant?

Humans cannot breathe under wayer or fly

What is the theme of icarus?

Hope, because he wants to fly. He tries to fly but never succeeds.

For what is Icarus remembered?

Icarus is remembered for his attempt to escape Crete using wings made of feathers and wax, despite being warned not to fly too close to the sun. He ignored the warning, causing the wax to melt and him to fall to his death in the sea. This cautionary tale is often used to illustrate the consequences of hubris and not heeding advice.

Why did Icarus and Daedalus need wings?

to fly out their jail window

What does Daedalus warn Icarus not to do?

do not fly too closely to the sun.........

What can flamingos do?

FLAMINGOS can eat so diff. from humans. They can fly which is also what a human cant do either.