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Q: Why cant we hold liquid mercury in our hand?
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Her right hand.

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it is a solid because its not a liquid for sure and a gas cant hold a gas.

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it is a solid because its not a liquid for sure and a gas cant hold a gas.

Can Mercury be magnetized is it attracted to magnets?

Mercury at normal temperature and pressure is a liquid and will not hold a magnetic field - so it cannot be magnetized.

Can be used to hold liquid chemicals but cant measure volume?

a test tube is the answer

Why can't you hold mercury metal in your hand?

You can hold mercury in your hand -- I've done it. Perhaps not a good idea, mercury is poisonous, but it's only absorbed through the skin very, very slowly, so a single exposure isn't going to hurt you. If you do it wash your hands afterwards.

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These molecules are transformed in a liquid.

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You can, hold wheat in your hand and if your close enough they will follow you.

What is something that can hold less than 250 ml of liquid?

One hand

Why should you hold a bottle of liquid with the label toward the palm of your hand when you pour out liquid?

When you pour out the liquid, the label should be towards the palm of hand because if it happens that the liquid drips, it will drip on the side opposite the label and will not ruin the label or make it illegible.

Is Mercury a gas?

No, mercury is a liquid at room temperature.