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Q: Why cant we see the second closest star to earth?
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What star is the second to earth?

The closest star to Earth is the SunThe second closest star to Earth is Proxima Centurai.

What is the second closet star to earth?

The closest star to earth is the sun. After that the closes is Proxima Centauri.

What is alpha proxima?

it is the second closest star to the earth

What is the second closest star form the earth?

Alpha Centauri

Are stars the closest to earth?

Those that are closest are the closest stars to earth. The champion closest star ...the closest of all of them ... is the sun. Coming in at a distant second place, the nextclosest star is 278 thousand times farther from earth than the sun is.

How far is the second closest star to the sun?

Mars is the 2nd closest planet to the Earth. Venus is the planet closest to the Earth.

What is the name of the closest star to your planet?

My planet is Earth. Earth's closest star is the Sun.

How big is the closest star to Earth?

The closest star to the Earth is the Sun. See related question.

Is the sun the furthest star from earth?

No, the opposite in fact. Sol is the closest star to Earth.

Why does the game of Alpha Centauri can't be played in new computers?

Its the second closest star to earth.

Is Betelgeuse the closest star to earth?

No. The sun is the closest star. The next closest star is Proxima Centauri

What is the name of the largest closest star to planet earth?

The star closest to Earth is the sun. The phrase "... largest to planet Earth ... " is meaningless.