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Each state has it's own regulations on medical narijuana.

Most states only allow it for cancer.

Keep complaining about your symptoms and the doctor might cave.

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Q: Why cant you get medical marijuana for auto immune disorder?
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What disease is when body attacks own cells?

An auto-immune response.

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Crohn's disease is an auto-immune disorder where the immune system attacks the cells of the small intestines. It is treated by monthly infusions of Remicade, which suppresses the immune system.

What is a genetic disorder caused by sex linked gene?

There are so many genetic disorder caused by sex linked to name few; Auto Immune disorder, Hemophilia, Night Blindness etc.

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MS is an auto-immune disease, much like Lupus, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and a host of others. MS is the result of the immune system mistakenly attacking and destroying healthy body tissue, which is what happens in any auto-immune disorder. It is unknown what causes auto-immune diseases. Possible theories include stress and/or food additives, but there is no evidence to categorically state the cause. There is no prevention and no cure. Auto-immune diseases require different levels of intervention and medical treatment, but for the most part are manageable. None are genetically linked and none are the result of "an irresponsible lifestyle."

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RA is an Auto immune disorder and its cause is not known. however there seem to often be genetic factors involved.

What leads to Guillain Barre syndrome?

It often follows an acute infection, such as a heavy cold. It is an auto-immune disorder which affects the peripheral nervous system.

Is shingles an auto-immune disease?

Shingles is not an auto-immune disease.

What is the difference in auto immune deficiency syndrome and acquired immune deficiency syndrome?

Auto immune deficiency syndrome is a disorder of the immune system where the system attacks its own cells or tissues making the body susceptible to diseases. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or more popular as AIDS, on the other hand, is a compromised immune system due to the presence of human immunodeficiency virus infection or HIV. The former is non-communicable, while AIDS is transmittable.

What is mixed connective tissue disease?

Mixed connective tissue disease is a catch all term for an undiagnosed auto-immune disorder. Meaning they don't know what you have.

What are the causes of knee injuries?

Arthritis may develop from an auto-immune disorder, known as rheumatoid arthritis, or may be caused by the gradual wear and tear of the joint, known as osteoarthritis.