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Because after dissolving a solution is formed and separate substances are invisible now.

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Q: Why cant you see sugar or salt when it is dissolving?
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What is salt and how do you desribe it?

Its not a chemical change when you see the salt dissolving because if your were to put something else like sugar then it would be a chemical.

How could you prove that dissolving table salt in water is a physical change or not a chemical change?

well you know its not a chemical change when you see the salt dissolving because if your were to put something else like sugar then it would be a chemical change because the sugar would just float right to the bottom and stay there but salt would go around in the water and start dissolving.

How is salt dissolving in water a physical change?

It's a physical change because salt stays the same when it is put in the water. Even though you can not see the salt, it's still there. This will also happen if you put sugar in water.

Salt or sugar how can you find out without tasting it?

You can tell the difference by the color salt is a little lighter but you cant tell that much. Salt is a cystal with acid. Sugar isn't. If you have a microscope lying around then look at the characteristics and see which one you think it is.

Is salt dissolving in water physical change?

It is a physical change. If it was a chemical change you would probably see fizzing. stefan boniaby

What happen to the salt solution with more salt?

If the solution is saturated with salt already, then adding more salt will simply see the salt settle to the base of the solution container without it dissolving.

Why does dissolving happen?

Dissolving takes place when you are trying to make a solution out a mechanical mixture by adding a solute (something that gets dissolved) and a solvent (something that does the dissolving) together and when there is enough solvent to dissolve the all of the solute. When all of the solute is dissolved it becomes a solution which usually appears to be clear.

Does dissolving sugar in water make it weigh more?

yes because when you dissolve sugar into water, it doesn't dissapear. You may not be able to see it but the sugar is still in the water, therefore making it heavier because there are two masses there (sugar and water)

If you pour sugar into water and you cant see water anymore you have made what?

A saturated solution.

When salt dissolves in water it is said to be?

it becomes a solution and it dissolves into the water so you cant see it.

Is sugar a heterogeneous mixture?

No its homogeneous . Heterogenous is when you can see to different ingredients. Homogeneous is when you cant tell between one ingredient and another sugar water is mixed so you can not see the sugar it looks like plain water

Does the level of water rises When sugar is mixed in water?

if a lump ofsugaris dropped into a glass ofwaterit graduallydisappears.....Dissolving sugar in water is a physical change. You can tell this because if you were to dissolve the sugar in water and then let the water evaporate, the sugar would still be left. All of the components that you started with are still there, even if you can't see them.