

Why carbon dioxide can be compressed more than milk?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Because gases can be compressed more easily than liquids. This is because the particles in gases are more far apart than the particles are in liquids so have more room between them to be compressed together(:

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Q: Why carbon dioxide can be compressed more than milk?
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Explain why carbon dioxide can be compressed more than milk?

This has to do with how the molecules in the material are arranged. In a solid, everything is very close together and tightly packed. In fluids the molecules have a little more space to move and in a gas, the molecules have a lot of space because there's almost nothing to bump into. Milk is a liquid, and although there is some room, the molecules are too close together to keep pressing for very long. Carbon dioxide is a gas, it has a few molecules in very vast space, which means there is plenty of space to push, before the molecules "feel the heat".

Does more heat mean more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

The more carbon dioxide the hotter the planet gets. The hotter the planet gets the more wild fires happen. For every fire that occurs more carbon dioxide is released.

Why only carbon dioxide is used in aerated drinks?

There are more things, except for carbon dioxide!