

Why chemistry is everywhere?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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Because everything is made of chemicals.

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Q: Why chemistry is everywhere?
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Are there any chemicals in a baseball?

Yes. Chemistry class in high schools everywhere should have proven to you that everything is made up of chemicals...

Where do you use chemistry and why?

Everything. Cooking, cleaning, eating, digesting, rain, snow, steel, candles, cars, etc... .

What is the roles of chemistry in industry and society?

Chemistry is everywhere. It has been known to man from the day when coal was burned. As technology improves, the impact of chemistry on everyday life is increasing. Whether it's food, clothing, entertainment or relaxation, office work, industrial work, teaching, simple house chores, collective group work in hospitals, hotels, mills or libraries, chemistry is involved everywhere. It certainly exceeds electricity; start with cooking, all the artificial fibers you wear and the dyes in all your clothing, the glues that hold things together, and the fuels that move you and the products you buy.

Why did organic chemistry become important?

everything is made of organic compounds, from tip of your sandals to your hat. the computer in which you see this answer is made of plastic and some kind of polymer. what is it? everything is organic chemistry. your breakfast to supper. you see organic chemistry everywhere. so we need more to produce, so it is always important, but we have realized only now.!!!

Is H an atom in chemistry?

H is the chemical symbol for Hydrogen and represents one hydrogen atom everywhere other than in a chemical equation where it represents one mole of hydrogen atoms.

Where can molecules be found?

Examples: pharmaceuticals industry, petrochemical industry, chemical analysis of all materials, plastics, toxicology, foods industry, pesticides, fertilizers, rockets fuels, batteries, cosmetics, etc.

How does chemistry depend on chemistry?

Chemistry is entirely dependent on chemistry. If it weren't for chemistry, chemistry wouldn't exist.

What are the five major branches of chemistry?

there are five branches: inorganic, organic, analytical, physical, and biochemistry. they could be further broken down into sub-branches such as organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electroanalytical chemistry, and so on and so forth.

What are the five branches of chemistry?

Physical chemistry Analytical chemistry Organic chemistry Inorganic chemistry Materials chemistry

Is everywhere a verb?

There are verbs everywhere, but everywhere is not one of them. Everywhere is an adverb.

Difference between filipino chemistry and foreign chemistry?

language is different, filipino chemistry is chemistry of filipine, foreign chemistry is chemistry of that country

How is environmental science related to chemistry?

Chemistry is the chemistry if youre a chemistry then good for you