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Q: Why children with hepatitis A are asymptomatic?
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Why give an infant or child a hepatitis B shot when they aren't at risk of contracting it?

Because an adult can have hepatitis B and be asymptomatic. Everyone is at risk of exposure to bodily fluids.

Can you have no symptoms of hepatitis c for decades?

Chronic hepatitis C can be asymptomatic (i.e. no symptoms) for several decades. Unfortunately, by the time symptoms doappear, the liver is usually severely damaged, sometimes irreparably. The only way to know if someone has hep C is to be tested.

What is the prefix of the word Asymptomatic?

The prefix of asymptomatic is a, meaning not; if you are asymptomatic, you do not have symptoms.

What is the suffix for Asymptomatic?

The suffix for "asymptomatic" is "-atic".

Why majority of children in many part of India are already immune to Hepatitis?

Most of the children get exposed to hepatitis A virus due to not so good sanitation. Only few of them get hepatitis and rest get sub-clinical infection. Most of them get recovered and get immunity to the infection. Even to day also most of the rural Indian population takes treatment from the unqualified doctors. They get the hepatitis B infection from them. Most of the children recover from the infection and get immunity against the hepatitis B virus infection. Same is true for other strains of the hepatitis viruses.

What are the symptoms to know that a woman is asymptomatic?

The word "asymptomatic" means "without symptoms." So it has no symptoms. If a woman has no symptoms, she is asymptomatic.

Which type of hepatitis is more common in preschool and school age children?


I have heard that people who have contracted mono though immune to it still carry the virus Does that mean people who have had it cannot donate blood?

Potential donors with a history of infectious mononucleosis are eligible for volunteer blood donation as long as they have not been diagnosed with mono-associated hepatitis and are currently asymptomatic. Patients who were diagnosed with hepatitis during the infection are permanently deferred.

What is the combining form of the word asymptomatic?

The combining form of the word "asymptomatic" is "asympto-."

What is hepatitis's vaccine name?

For Hepatitis A, it is usually just called "The Hepatitis A vaccine" but is marketed under the brand names Havrix and Vaqta. Hepatitis B is marketed under the brand name Comvax. There isn't a vaccine for Hepatitis C.

What is absence of symptoms?


The type of hepatitis caused by contaminated food?

It is called infective hepatitis or hepatitis A