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The QWERTY keyboard layout is taken from old manual mechanical typewriters. It was originally developed for typewriters to actually slow down typing speed and space out the more commonly-used letters to prevent the mechanism from jamming.

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Q: Why computer have qwerty keyboard instead of having abcdefg keyboard?
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What is function of key board?

The function of the keyboard is to display what ever you want onto the screen there for having it be able to do anything. The keyboard consists of keys with letters and symbols on them that can be put into the computer.

What are uses of keyboard?

What isn't the use for a keyboard?? ah, just kidding. Well, if we didn't have keyboards, we would have to use something else to put the letters on the screen. Like sometimes some programs have keyboards on the computer that you could click on, and those take forever. So keyboards are a great thing.

Practicing Keyboard Lessons Outside Of Class?

When taking keyboard lessons from a technical or vocational school, one of the best ways to make the most of the classes is to practice outside of the program. This does not necessarily mean using a computer, but instead using templates or cut-outs to solidify the hand positions and letter locations that are taught. Most of learning how to type efficiently is having a muscle memory of the keyboard. Repeating keystrokes outside of class can help to integrate this information into the brain.

Why computer have qwerty keyboard instead of having abc keyboard?

This goes back to when people used typewriters, a man named Christopher Sholes did not like when he had type bar problems (When two different letter 'arms' got tangled) so he made a new typewriter layout which has been nicknamed, the QWERTY keyboard. Christopher Sholes was a newspaper editor and printer who lived in Milwaukee. The reason computers have QWERTY keyboards is because the most used letters are right there for you to type. If we had an ABC keyboard it would overwork some fingers and underwork others. Therefore the keyboard would not be as efficient as a QWERTY keyboard. Also, typing would get tiring.

How do you type on a keyboard im having trouble?

You just did :P But in all seriousness, it depends on the keyboard. Texting keyboard typically you use both thumbs. On computer keyboards you type with hands hovering over keys. Certaon fingers go to certain letters. It gets vomplicated and hars to explain.

Is there a way to protect your keyboard from spills?

Yes, by avoiding having liquid near the keyboard, and having quick reaction time if liquid is spilled.

Why did the computer mouse get invented?

It was Invented because people were annoyed at having to use a keyboard for everything and when GUI's came along, they needed something easier, or... that's what I think...

What is the other keyboard other then qwerty?

The "opposite" of a QWERTY keyboard would be not having a keyboard. There are several styles available for computer keyboards, none of which are "opposites" of either QWERTY or each other. They are simply different arrangements of keys. Alternatives include Dvorak, AZERTY, and QWERTZ.

How will the world be without a computer?

-writing letters instead of emails -having to do work by handwriting -researching with only books -having to play with balls and toys instead of video games -no online communications like facebook, twitter, myspace, etc

Are touch cell phones good for texting?

Not necessarily. Since you are only tapping parts of the screen and you cannot feel the keys, you will have to look at the keyboard instead of what you are writing. Regular QWERTY keyboard cell phones (non-touch screen) are better for texting because you can feel the buttons and when you press them, so after a while, you can memorize the keyboard and text fast without having to look at the keyboard so you can see what you are typing.

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no because it is not ideal to have it because if you have a computer or game console you will have everything instead of having nothing in pe

Why kids must learn ABCDEFG?

It would be hard to pronounce words if you don't know what ABC... is. And it would suck to get made fun of for not having prior knowledge about the alphabet. Isn't it recommended? I dunno.