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because hcl contains cl2

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Q: Why concentrated sulfuric acid and not hydrochloric acid used in this experiment?
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Is concentrated hydrochloric acid a suitable acid for alcohol dehydration?

No. Even concentrated hydrochloric acid contains much water. Concentrated sulfuric acid, which can be completely anhydrous, is much more effective as dehydrating agent.

What part of an experiment is food?

The highly concentrated sulfuric acid solution

Is concentrated sulfuric acid a liquid?

Yes, concentrated sulfuric acid is a liquid.

What are the four most important industrial acids?

Sulfuric acid, Hydrochloric acid, Nitric acid, Phosphoric Acid

How sulfuric acid is benificial as compair to hydrochloric acid?

Sulfuric acid can be far more concentrated (up to 97%) compared to hydrochloric acid (up to 40%). This makes it an effective dehydrating acid whereas HCl contains too much water to dehydrate compounds like alcohols.

Does an experiment with concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated ammonia provide evideence for the particulate nature of matter?

The question is not so clear.

Why is Concentrated sulfuric acid a weaker acid compared to dilute sulfuric acid?

Concentrated sulfuric acid has sulfuric acid molecules where dilute sulfuric acid has sulfate ions and hydrogen ions. Water in the diluted solution acts as the ionization medium.

How many molar is concentrated hydrochloric acid?

The molarity of hydrochloric acid 36,5 % (concentrated acid) is 10 M.

Is hydrochloric acid the same as sulfuric acid?

No. HCl is hydrochloric acid and H2SO4 is sulphuric acid.

Is hydrochloric acid a dilute acid?

Hydrochloric acid can be either concentrated or dilute, depending on its specific concentration in water.

Is concentrated sulfuric acid flammable?

is concentrated sulphuric acid toxic

What is a suffix for acid?

ic, as in hydrochloric or sulfuric acid.