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Q: Why could we say that radiation may be the most important way heat can move?
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Is radiation the transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid?

No, most forms of radiation have nothing to do with heat. Transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid is called convection.

Is the sun the source of energy in most energy resources?

The Earth has two sources of energy, the sun's radiation and heat from inside the Earth. The sun is most important and life could hardly exist except at a very primitive level without it.

This type of radiation is normally felt as heat?

Any form of radiation can produce heat. Infra-red radiation is the most commonly recognized as heat, but the question has a much longer answer if you need to know the why.

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What from the sun is the most important part of renewing our water supply?

Solar radiation, or heat, is the driving force behind evaporation, transpiration and most aspects of our water cycle.

How does most of the heat in the earths atmosphere move from place to place?

Convectionheat moves by, radiation(:

How does heat from the Sun travel through the vacuum of space to the Earth?

The Sun's energy is transmitted by electromagnetic radiation, with most of the heat caused by ultraviolet radiation striking the Earth's surface. This heat is re-radiated by infrared radiation.

The Sun transfers most of its heat by means of?

Convection and radiation (internally) and radiation (externally).

Does radiation have sun?

Yes. We call most of it 'heat' and 'light'.

What type of rays do ovens use?

Infrared radiation (most common form of terrestrial heat radiation.)

Does an electric grill use conduction convection or radiation?

Depending on the scenario, it could be an example of all three, but the most common transfer of energy through heat associated with a heating iron would be conduction. If this is for school and it is possible to have more than one answer, then it would be conduction and radiation.