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Philip II of Macedon was assassinated while still planning an invasion of Persia. He was seceded by his son, Alexander II.

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Q: Why couldn't Philip complete his plan of conquering Persia?
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What did Philip plan to do after conquering Greece?

Conquer Persia

Did King Philip conquer persia why or why not?

King Philip did not conquer Persia because he was assassinated.

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No. Philip didn't conquer Persia. Alexander did.

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they had elements from Persia until Philip the 2 came.

Why didn't Philip II invade Persia?

he died

Who was the Macedonian king that planned to conquer Persia?

Philip 2.

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From Persia

Why did Persia invade?

He inherited the campaign from his father Philip who was in the process of mounting it when he was assasinated.

Who wanted to conquer Persia but died first?

Philip II of Macedon planned an invasion to conquer Persia but was murdered shortly before the invasion began.

Where were Philip II and Alexander from?

They were both from Persia even though they ruled over Greece.

Where in Macedonia did Alexander the Great start conquering?

he was born to the king of Macedonia......philip 2 so he was the king of macidonia already..

Was Philip II successful in conquering the Persian Empire?

He was assassinated on the eve of his departure on the campaign. His son Alexander carried out his plan.