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Q: Why counterstain is called as counterstain?
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Which is the Counterstain used in PAS staining?

The counterstain for PAS is hematoxylin which stains nucleic acids blue.

What is the meaning of stain for?

meaning of counterstain

Could other dyes be used as a counterstain?


What dye is used in counterstain?

i wouldn't have asked you if i know it

Why is it essential that the primary stain and the counterstain be of contrasting colors?

It is essential that primary stain and the counterstain be of contrasting colors so that the target of the primary stain can easily be differentiated on a contrasting background.

What happen if you forget to add crystal violet to a stain?

You don't get a counterstain.

Which step of a gram stain can be omitted without affecting determination of the reaction?

you can omit the last step - the safranin counterstain

What is the application of heat not required during the ap plication of the counterstain in acid fast stain?


What is the counterstain in a spore stain?

the counter stain is safranin 0.5%

What would happen if you forgot to counterstain with safranin?

Gram neg cells would remain clear

Why does the counterstain not change the color of all of the cells is it because the primary stain repels or masks the secondary stain?

In a gram stain the primary stain is crystal violet. Iodine then sets that dye into the gram positive cells while alcohol washes out the crystal violet from the gram negative cells. Then safranin, which is the counterstain in a gram stain, is used to dye the rest of the bacteria. This is the example I can give you of why a counterstain does not change the look in all the cells. Though safranin stains all the cells, the gram positive cells that were dyed purple from crystal violet don't look pink - only the gram negative do.

Can use carbolfuchsin as a counterstain?

The carbolfuchsin is a differential stain. It is an acid-fast stain which distinguishes organisms with waxy cell walls with the use of acid alcohol.