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Q: Why cyanosis occur in dhronic bronchitis and not in emphysema?
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What are disease that occur in the respiratory system?

Asthma Bronchitis Lungs cancer! Emphysema , Cough etc.

Can Bronchitis re-occur once treatment is completed?

Yes bronchitis can re-occur once treatment is completed. Many studies have shown that the symptoms of bronchitis can re-occur for many reasons including smoking and exposure to pollution and other irritants.

Does cyanosis in pulmonary valve stenosis occur in adults as well?

That is very rare to find cyanosis due to heart disease in adult. But then any thing is possible in biology.

What can I expect from late stage emphysema?

As the disease progresses, coughing and shortness of breath occur

When can the early stages of emphysema occur?

Early stage (of any condition or disease) means, generally speaking, "it has recently started showing signs and symptoms". In emphysema, this begins with chronic lung irritation and inflammation.

Are there copious amount of phelgm in early stages of emphysema?

The first sign of emphysema is shortness of breath when you are exerting yourself. Eventually, this shortness of breath may occur even when you are at rest.If you are experiencing excess phlegm but have no shortness of breath yet, you are most likely suffering from bronchitis.Bronchitis symptoms are:Difficulty breathing (this can also be caused by emphysema)Coughing (with or without sputum)Wheezing (this can also be caused by emphysema)Excess mucus productionIn advances cases, a bluish tint to the lips and eventually the skin.If you are suffering bronchitis symptoms, you should see a doctor. Bronchitis can cause you to be susceptible to a variety of breathing problem, including pneumonia, if you come down with a cold or flu, and will make it more difficult to achieve complete recovery even if you do not develop further problems. It also makes it much more likely that you will suffer a heart attack -- already a good possibility if you are a long-term smoker.

What are symptoms for Bronchitis?

The symptoms include coughing, phlegm, difficult breathing etc. You might have to use an inhaler if you have trouble breathing. This can occur anytime of the year.

Compare and contrast the signs and symptoms of emphysema and chronic bronchitis?

Chronic Bronchitis is characterized by excessive mucus production amd its pooling in lower respiratory passage ways, which severely impairs ventilation and gas exchange. Patients may become cyanotic as a result of chronic hypoxia. They are called "blue bloaters" because hypoxia and carbon dioxide retention occur early in disease.Emphysema is characterized by permanent enlargement and destruction of alveoli. The lungs lose their elasticity and expiration become an active process called "pink puffers." Symptoms don't show up til later in the disease.

How does death occur from bronchitis?

when death occurs for bronchitis is when you don't take your medication and the air ways to your lungs start closing and it is very hard to breath so when the air ways get to swollen ( closed ) you can die because you can hardly breath or can not at all and that would really suck and it is scary

Can you have bronchitis and a cold at the same time?

Yes, you can! Bronchitis can also occur after the flu has passed or is passing, as your alveoli may not be able to get rid of all the germs from the flu and then it may develop into a bacterial infection... bronchitis. You could also contract the diseases separately!

What causes high ECO2 in a blood test?

Well If you remember when you breath out you release the CO into the air. If your breathing is not regular and you are not able to remove the extra CO then there could be a problem inside your lungs. Like Bronchitis, Emphysema, or common allergies. Best to check with your doctor.

What is distinguish between asthma and emphysema?

Asthma and emphysema are two entirely different diseases with some symptoms in common. Asthma is a spastic and inflammatory disease of the airways that causes reversible obstruction of the bronchial tubes. It usually responds to treatment.Emphysema is a disease of the lung tissue, especially the alveoli (air sacs) at the end of the bronchial tubes. Emphysema results from destruction of these alveoli. This process is not reversible and responds less well to medical treatment. Emphysema is slowly progressive; you will get short of breath and become more disabled as time goes on. Eventually you may require continuous concentrated oxygen to be comfortable. This irreversible disease (and other obstructive lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis) is often referred to as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).