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Dicot leaf is also called dorsiventral leaf as it has both dorsal and ventral side with identifiable features. The protective layer is named as Epidermis and there is both upper and lower epidermis. In dorsiventral leafs the lower epidermis

which is also called abaxial side will have more number of stomata compared to the adaxial side or upper epidermis. The gap between the two epidermis is termed as mesophyll and in dicot leaf we can see a differentiated mesophyll region. The region is differentiated into palisade and spongy tissue. The region just below upper epidermis have elongated parenchyma cells with chlorophyll filled in and they are called Palisade tissues. This is the main reason behind dark green colour at upper side of a dicot leaf.

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Q: Why dicot leaf is known as dorsiventral leaf?
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