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because as he traveled and conquered, he realized that not all of the cities could be ruled under one person. As a result of this, he put his friends in charge of a city, and the city governed itself. This comes from the greek city-state

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He wanted the structure of government, culture and living to promote civilisation after the Greek mode, for better or worse.

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Q: Why did Alexander the Great founded cities like Alexandria?
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Where were the cities located that were founded by Alexander the Great?

He founded 70 cities in Egypt and Asia. Half he named Alexandria after himself (not very modest). The most famous one was Alexandria in Egypt.

What city Alexander the Great founded in Egypt?

Alexandria - Alexander the Great created many cities named after his self.

When was the city of Alexandria founded and who found the city?

Yes. It was founded by Alexander the great

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about 70 cities were named after Alexander the great

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Were does the name Alexandria comes from?

ALEXANDRIAGender: FeminineUsage: EnglishPronounced: al-əg-ZAN-dree-ə [key]Feminine form of ALEXANDER. Alexander the Great founded several cities by this name (or renamed them) as he extended his empire eastwards. The most notable of these is Alexandria in Egypt, founded by Alexander in 331 BC.

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Alexandria was the city he first founded. By ariscari

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Alexandria was founded around a small pharaonic town c. 331 BC by Alexander the Great.

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All of the cities that aren't called Alexandria.

What was the city of Alexandria called?

Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great at 332 BCE in the Nile delta. Alexander's intention was to build a city that would supersede the famous at his time Naucratis a port city 72 kilometers southern than the new city of Alexandria which became the capital city of Ptolemy after the death of Alexander.

What is are some achievements of alexander the great?

Some of the achievements of Alexander the Great are the victory at Issus, the victory at Gaugamela, and having the largest empire in history.

What was special about Alexandria in 100 B.C.?

By 100 B.C., the largest city in the Mediterranean world was Alexandria, which Alexander the Great had founded in Egypt.