

Why did Allah create flowers?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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13y ago

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God did, because they are beautiful and liven His planet. Remember to thank him for that.

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Q: Why did Allah create flowers?
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Only Allah at those told knows the answer

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How do flowers create air?

Flowers dont create air; plants are able to produce (or recycle - whichever way you look at it), Oxygen from water and carbon dioxide through the process of photosysnthesis.

How long did it take for Allah to create the world?

It is mentioned in Quran, Muslims holy book, that Allah (God in English) created the universe in 6 days. However, it is worth to recognize that all God creations are by God (Allah) word 'be' then 'it is'.

What are the animals drinks honey from the flowers?

Flowers don't have honey. I think your talking about bees that collect pollen and nectar from flowers and then create honey back at their hives