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they had every right to declare themselves independent because they used to pay a lot of taxes on tea e.t.c

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Q: Why did American colonists in 1776 feel they had the right to declare?
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What year did American colonists declare independence from England?


What year did americans colonists declare undependence from england?

The American colonists declared independence from England in 1776. This came after the American Revolution.

In what year did the colonists declare their independent's from England?


What year did colonists declare their independance from England?


In what year did the did the colonists declare independence in England?


What year did the colonists declare their independence from England?


When did the us colonists declare independence?

July 9th 1776

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What year did American colonies declare their independence?

July 4, 1776

What year did American colonists declare independence?

The colonies declared independence in July, 1776. The Declaration was completed on July 2. It was approved on July 4 and made public on July 8. By the first week of August, King George III had received a copy and exhibited fits of rage. The Revolutionary War was, of course, already underway at this time.

Who did the American colonies declare independence from July 4 1776?

Britain- mainly the English.

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Great Britain.