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The US output/production during WW2 was both massive in quantity and very high in quality. This was in terms of steel, coal, electrical output, ships, aircraft, armored equipment, artillery pieces, trucks, small arms, machine guns, etc. As to ships: There were over a dozen major shipyards, each one out-producing the rest of the world combined. US combat & merchant Ships were built quicker & better than in any other nation. The only combatant vessel built in larger numbers by another nation was submarines by Germany. As to aircraft & aircraft engines: The US out-produced all the enemy nations combined in both quantity & quality.

Also US agricultural & timber production was also huge & overwhelming compared to the other combatant nations. Logistics: The US also transported huge amounts of industrial & agricultural products to all corners of the globe quickly & effectively despite the best efforts of the enemies.

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Q: Why did American industry expand during World War 1?
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