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Americans feared communism in the 1950s because some people began to believe that the communists in the United States were plotting to destroy the American Government.

I found this on a similar page ;

There are some key factors.

A) It is unconstitutional - because of redistribution of wealth - Income tax was unconstitutional until the 16th Amendment

B) It calls for a dictator in order to not fall apart

C) Marxist philosophers have talked about gasing those who are mentaly unfit, or disabled

D) Marxism talks about forced starilization to stop unneeded births of certain groups of people.

E) Mao Tse Sung Communist dictator of China killed between 70 Million and 80 million of his own people. To be safe I stick with saying 70 million.

F) Stalin killed between 10 million and 20 million

G) Communist dictators see the people as worker ants, and the fruit of their labor as property of the state to be used for war, causing mass starvation, and poverty

H) Communism, and Marxism sees war as the salution to economic problems (true, but prolonged war, usually ends is a broke nation)

I) Communsim you own nothing

J) Communism there is no religion

K) Communism the Government has unlimited power and can take away anay of your rights

L) Communism sees no individual rights, besides right to work, and right to rest

M) Communism always ends in a ruinned economy

N) There is not enough money in the World let alone the US for redistribution of wealth to have a possitave effect

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Quite franckly they are both wrong

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