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Q: Why did Britain and France begin seizing American ships?
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How did Jefferson try to stop France and Britain from seizing American ships?

He paid tribute to the Barbary States.

Where did the war with Britain begin?

In France on land and in the seas and skies of Britian.

Why did France and Britain begin seizing us merchant ships?

At no time in the war did the UK seize US merchant ships. As far as I know nor did Viche France. Until 1941 the USA was officially neutral but openly traded and sent weapons to aid the British continue the war against the Axis. After 1941 the US and Britain became allies.

What led France and Britain to declare war against Germany to begin wolrd war 2?

Britain and France had a defence agreement with Poland. On 1 September 1939, German troops invaded Poland, so on 3 September 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany.

After the colonists victory in the Battle of France and Spain begin to support the patriot cause?

After the battle of Saratoga, France joined with America in the fight against Britain. Spain joined the fight (on the American colonists' side) afterwards, hoping to gain independence from British rule.

Why is the Battle of Britain called the Battle of Britain?

The Battle of Britain took place against the Nazi bomber and fighter planes in the skies over Great Britain during the Summer of 1940, during a period when Britain stood alone against them. It was fought in the skies over Britain after France surrendered following the Battle of France. It takes its name from a speech Churchill gave in which he said, "The Battle of France is over. The Battle of Britain is about to begin."

What led France and Britain to declare war againt Germany to begin world war 2?

France and Britain had promised to declare war if Germany tried to obtain anymore territory. And they kept that promise when Poland was invaded.

When did the British begin fighting in World War 2?

Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3rd 1939.

What led France and Britain to declares war against Germany to begin world war 2?

During the 1930's, Britain and France had a defence agreement with Poland. On 1 September 1939, German troops invaded Poland, so on 3 September 1939, in response to that invasion, Britain and France declared war on Germany.

When did the French and Indian War begin and what was the cause?

The French and Indian War was part of a wider grobal conflict between France and britain and their allies. The American portion of the war was begun by George Washington at Ft. Duquesne when British Native American allies killed a French diplomat.

What German action finally caused Britain and France to begin World War II?

The invasion of Poland on the 1st September 1939

When and where did the war for indepndence from great Britain begin?

The American Revolution began on April 19, 1775 at the Battle of Lexington and Concord.