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There was no need for Charlemagne to place his capital city in Rome.

Aachen, the capital of his empire, had been his winter residence since from 792, before he became emperor (when he was still only the king of the Frankish kingdom). Charlemagne's birthplace is unknown. Some historians think that he was born in Aachen, while others think he was born in Liege (Belgium). Some other towns in the region have also been suggested. Aachen was close to the area where both his family (the Carolingians) and the Merovingians (the previous Frankish royal dynasty) originated. Moreover, it was located in a central area of his empire and, therefore, it was in an ideal geographical and strategic position. Rome would have been too far away from the heart of the empire.

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Q: Why did Charlemagne choose this place for his capital city instead of Rome?
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The coronation of Charlemagne took place in?


The coronation of Charlemagne took place where?

Charlemagne was crowned twice, once as King of the Franks, and once as Emperor of the Romans. The first of these coronations took place in Noyon, which is north of Paris. The second coronation was in Rome, in Saint Peter's Basilica.

What were the accomplishments of Charlemagne?

Made a school in his own place for all of those children who are not educated.He became the first holy emperor.He conquered many regions. he also became the sole ruler of his kingdom... :p

What were Charlemagne's contributions to civilization in western Europe?

Charlemagne (742–814) also called Charles the Great or the father of Europe, is considered one of the great leaders in history because he made significant contributions to Western civilization. As King, Charlemagne extended his empire, by conquering much of Western Europe (present-day France and southern Germany) and northern Italy. Charlemagne ordered many improvements, such as the building of new roads and bridges, the standardizing of taxes and tolls, the compilation of a code of civil laws and a code of church laws, also known as the Canon Law. At this time few people could read and write, and because they came from various tribes, they spoke different languages. By making sure Latin was taught throughout his empire, Charlemagne created a common language. He also installed a library at his castle, where he invited scholars to live and work. These scholars translated and copied many manuscripts from Roman Empire and Greek times, preserving the vintage manuscripts. A cultural revival, called the Carolingian Renaissance, also took place during his reign. Charlemagne ordered the bishops to set up schools for training monks and educating citizens-also known as the Carolingian. Charlemagne also created the Carolingian Miniscule, was a script. It was used to produce classical texts, religious books and educational material. That is why Emperor Charlemagne had such a significant influence on the western civilization.

How did Charlemagne keep control over the territories that he conquered?

By appointing a great number of local governors and travelling overseeers. The feudal system meant that his knights were rewarded with land for serving him loyally to govern in return for their continued loyalty. Also, in that day and age the Court had to live off what the local area and crops could provide. A big Court like Charlemagne's could therefore never stay long in one place and it was regularly on the move to temporarily settle in another place in the Empire. Even if this happened by necessity, Charles didget around much in his realm.

Related questions

What city was the capitol of Charlemagne's empire?

His Imperial capital city was Aachen, although no permanent capital city existed. Aachen was his favourite place, where he built a Palace and a Cathedral

Where did the coronation of Charlemagne take place?

Charlemagne's coronation took place at St. Peter's.

What does instead mean?

instead: to take the place of something else.

Who took Charlemagne's place after his death?

Louis the Pious (the son of Charlemagne)

Why was Aachen special to Charlemagne?

It is possible that we will never really know why Aachen was special to Charlemagne, but it clearly was. It has been speculated that he may have been born there. He spent Christmas at Aachen in 768, and may have just come to appreciate the place at that time; it had already been used by Pippin the Younger as a place to stay, and so was well equipped. Charlemagne made Aachen his capital, and built both a palace and a cathedral there. He was buried there when he died.

The coronation of Charlemagne took place in?


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How do you say Charlemagne Quebec and Canada in french?

What a dumb question to ask!!!! Charlemagne Quebec is a place in a country of the world these names do not change in any language Therefore Charlemagne Quebec in French is simply "Charlemagne Quebec" if you don't believe me translate it using the internet.

The coronation of Charlemagne took place where?

Charlemagne was crowned twice, once as King of the Franks, and once as Emperor of the Romans. The first of these coronations took place in Noyon, which is north of Paris. The second coronation was in Rome, in Saint Peter's Basilica.

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How dids Charlemagne support education?

Charlemagne completes the establshment of his court at Aachen and attempts to gather the best scholars in Europe at his court in hopes of turning Aachen into an educational metropolis. Alcuin works with Charlemagne to develope the Palace School, a place where people from all walks of life could receive excellent education.