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Because he was appointed by god and knew what was right :)

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so thay could rule and be more powerful then others

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Q: Why did Charles 1 and parliament argue over power?
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In the English Civil War how did Charles power struggle with parliament help to start the English Civil War?

well Charles ! with Parliament because Charles did not give them enough power and so the civil war broke out on really what seems to be Parliament and Charles fighting over power!!!!!!!x

Why king Charles 1 and parliament could not agree before the Civil war?

because the king wanted power over England and Parliament did as well

Why did King Charles I argue with parliament?

he argued over money, religion and power(divine right).

What did parliament do to start the civil war in 1641?

Parliament kept trying to get more and more power which led to Charles making wrong decisions. The Petition of Right was one of these occasions. Parliament even wanted control over Charles kids education!

What type of powers did Prince Charles of England applied?

== == If you mean what powers does Prince Charles have, the answer is none. Even as sovereign, Queen Elizabeth exercises a lot no power, she reigns but does not rule. Power is wielded in her name by the Parliament and the governing ministry acceptable to Parliament. Prince Charles, as heir to the throne, has no power at all over the government. He merely has a variety of ceremonial duties which they assign to him while he waits to become king.

Why did oliver cromwell close down Parliament?

Because he wanted more power for himself and didn't want parliament getting in the way. He basically did when the king before him did

Why did Charles the first get his head choped off?

Charles I was executed in 1649 after being found guilty of high treason by the English Parliament during the English Civil War. He had repeatedly clashed with Parliament over issues of power and authority, leading to his overthrow and eventual trial and execution.

Causes of the English Civil War?

There were many different causes of the English Civil war in 1642, here are just a few... - Charles was hungry for power - Charles believed in the Divine Right of Kings - Whilst Charles's father was reining over England, he observed the broken relationship between the King and Parliament. He then grew up to have the same relationship with Parliament - Charles was naturally arrogant - Charles was in need of money but was very reluctant to bring back Parliament so he resorted to collected illegal 'Ship' tax without permission - Charles married Henrietta Maria of France who was catholic - Drastic changes were being made to the churches Hope this helped!

When did power shift from the monarch to the constitutional form of government in the UK?

Since the reign of Charles I of England, Britain has been a constitutional monarchy. All Kings and Queens before Charles had ABSOULTE power, meaning they had complete control over their people. Since King Charles I had an extremely large fall out with the government and parliament, Britain has been controlled by it's parliament, with the Queen acting merely as a figure head.

Why did King Charles 1st annoy parlaiment?

King Charles devoured parliament because they would not give him money to waste on battles and have parties with his friends and to buy expensive gifts to make people like him more and more so he could have more friends to fight battles with. After a while he got

What exactly did Charles do when he realized that parliament was divided over their loyalties to the crown?

Charles started the English Civil War. Slightly over-reacting, don't you think?

How many times did Charles I dissolve parliament?

4 times:- 1625- 1626 after attempts to impeach the Duke of Buckingham over war against Spain and support of the French Huguenots- 1629 for eleven years (beginning Charles' "Personal Rule")- 1640 for three weeks, because Short Parliament refused to grant money to Charles until grievances were redressed.