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I don't know who Dmitri is, but the idea is that petroleum can be used for many other things, apart from using it as fuel in cars, etc. For example, lots of synthetic substances (different kind of "plastics") are basically made from petroleum.

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Dmitri believed petroleum was too valuable to burn because he saw its potential as a source of energy and fuel for various industries, transportation, and machinery. He recognized its importance for economic development and technological advancement, making it a valuable resource that should be conserved and used efficiently.

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Q: Why did Dmitri believed petroleum was too valuable to burn?
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Why is the rock coal valuable?

Coal is valuable because it is a source of energy that can be burned to produce heat and electricity. It is also used in the production of steel and cement. Coal reserves are abundant and relatively easy to extract, making it a cost-effective energy source for many countries.

What change in energy occurs when you burn coal or petroleum?

When coal or petroleum is burned, chemical energy stored within the fuel is converted into heat and light energy. This process releases large amounts of heat, making it a significant source of energy for industrial and residential purposes.

What is the abstract of why synthetic fabrics are more flammable than natural fabrics?

Synthetic fabrics are more flammable than natural fabrics because they are typically derived from petroleum-based chemicals, which are highly flammable. Additionally, synthetic fabrics often melt and stick to the skin when they burn, causing more severe burns compared to natural fibers that typically char and smolder. The chemical composition and structure of synthetic fibers make them ignite easily and burn more rapidly than natural fibers.

What is jellied gasoline made out of?

Jellied gasoline, also known as napalm, is typically made by combining gasoline with a thickening agent such as aluminum soaps or petroleum jelly. This mixture creates a sticky and highly flammable substance that can adhere to targets and burn intensely.

Why does helium not burn like hydrogen?

Helium does not burn like hydrogen because it is chemically inert, meaning it does not easily react with other elements to undergo combustion. Hydrogen, on the other hand, is highly flammable and can readily undergo combustion in the presence of oxygen, making it a valuable fuel source.

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Can you put petroleum jelly on a burn?

Petroleum jelly has many uses. Petroleum jelly may be put on a burn to help soothe it. Petroleum jelly may also reduce scarring.

Is uranium an example of a fossil fuel?

I believe the term "fossil fuels" is used for things that burn, in a chemical reaction - like coal and petroleum. Also, "fossil fuels" implies that the fuel is the remainder of fossils - as is believed to be the case with petroleum and coal.I believe the term "fossil fuels" is used for things that burn, in a chemical reaction - like coal and petroleum. Also, "fossil fuels" implies that the fuel is the remainder of fossils - as is believed to be the case with petroleum and coal.I believe the term "fossil fuels" is used for things that burn, in a chemical reaction - like coal and petroleum. Also, "fossil fuels" implies that the fuel is the remainder of fossils - as is believed to be the case with petroleum and coal.I believe the term "fossil fuels" is used for things that burn, in a chemical reaction - like coal and petroleum. Also, "fossil fuels" implies that the fuel is the remainder of fossils - as is believed to be the case with petroleum and coal.

What did Alexander great burn to scare away his enemies elephants?


What is a sentence with the word emollient?

You should not use an emollient such as petroleum jelly on a deep burn.

Where does the energy of petroleum come from?

The energy in petroleum comes from organic matter, such as phytoplankton and algae, that lived millions of years ago. Over time, this organic matter was buried and subjected to heat and pressure, resulting in the formation of petroleum. When we burn petroleum, the stored energy is released as heat and light energy.

What three fossil fuels do Americans burn?

coal (solid)petroleum (liquid)natural gas (gas)

Can turpentine be used on minor burns?

Absolutely NOT. Turpentine is a petroleum based solvent which will worsen any burn and as such is not recommended.

Why burn a witch?

Witches were burnt because it was believed to be the way to destroy them.

How does petroleum produce electricity?

You burn it. They put it through a process called predothermia. it then turns to a thick liquid and then a different processes convert it to, for example, gasoline and then you burn that product and produce electricity.

What does a incinerator use to burn stuff?

natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, bio fuel, bio gas or Diesel

How do you prepare kerosene?

All I know is that Kerosene is from Petroleum. Therefore the source of Kerosene is Petroleum. Kerosene is poisonous and not clean while burning, so be careful if you're going to burn it. Hope this helps in some way :)

Civil war general that believed in war tactic of slash and burn?

Sherman didn't really believe in slash in burn...but he did perform the controversial "March to the Sea" Lee believed in flanking and saving his reserves. Meade and McKinley believed in Full Frontal Assaults using strength in numbers!