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Q: Why did European nations seek a sea route to Asia?
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Why did England France and the Netherlands seek a northern route to Asia?

The land trade routes thru cnetral Asia were thru lands controlled by the Muslim tribes that European nations fought against in various crusades. Trade through Asia was controlled by tribes and expensive. A route to by-pass the middle east was sought.

Why did other European countries seek a new route to Asia?

Because the Muslims were not letting them trade through their lands.

Why did European merchants eventually seek a sea route to Asia?

Carrying cargo by ship was faster, easier, cheaper and less dangerous than carrying it by land.

Why did Europeon nations seek a sea route to Asia?

The Europeans wanted a water route to Asia so they could keep enjoying the spices, silk, and wealth.

Who was the first country to seek a water route to Asia?

The country france was the first country to seek a water route to asia

Why did christopher Columbus seek a direct route to Asia?

because everyone was getting attack in eorupe

What best explains why europeans wanted to discover a direct trade route to Asia?

The desire for increased profit led Europeans to seek a direct trade route to Asia. If they could dispense with the middleman, they could keep the extra for themselves.

Why did non-Italian European's seek new trade routes to Asia?

European explorers sought wealth and glory that would come at home after successfully bringing back the wealth from Asia.

Why did non-Italian European seek new trade routes to Asia?

European explorers sought wealth and glory that would come at home after successfully bringing back the wealth from Asia.

Why did Europeans seek new trade routes in the 1400s?

They wanted a route to Asia. The Silk Road was long, expensive, and dangerous.

How did Portugal lead European exploration in the 1400s?

Their desire to seek trade routes, especially for spices (Asia).

What did the south seek in European nations?

During the Civil War, the south sought help from European nations, especially Great Britain. They asked for support with men, weapons, etc. They though the plan would work because it was quite equivalent to the American Revolution, but European nations ultimately denied any support.